emersonmellado / latincouver-2.0

Dynamic version of the app
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front-end json-api mobile-app rails5

Latincouver 2.0

This is the repo for the dynamic version of the Latincouver app.

In this version we are going to create a few things and try to decouple the api in a way that it can be integrated back with the ERP they have or it can be used as a single project to manage the mobile app data.

Api (Rails 5 api)

All endpoints has the methods: GET | POST | DELETE | PUT

ManagementApp (angular 1.6 UI for json management)

MobileApp (Ionic 2.0)

Vagrant to run Rails (Just in case you need)

Full case

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Install vagrant plugins in the terminal: .. >/ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest .. >/ vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef