emf-creaf / ecotraj

A framework to assist ecologists in the analysis of temporal changes in ecosystems defined on a chosen multivariate space
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Ecological trajectory analysis ecotraj website

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Package ecotraj is a package providing Ecological Trajectory Analysis (ETA), a framework to assist ecologists in the analysis of temporal changes in ecosystems defined on a chosen multivariate space.

ETA is related to the following publications:

Package installation and documentation

Package ecotraj can be found at CRAN. In addition, the latest stable ecotraj R package can also be installed from GitHub as follows:


Although the package comes with function documentation, articles explaining how to use the package can be found at https://emf-creaf.github.io/ecotraj/.

Related package

The R package ecoregime, by Martina Sánchez-Pinillos, implements the Ecological Dynamic Regimes (EDR) framework to characterize and compare groups of ecological trajectories in multidimensional spaces defined by ecosystem state variables.
