emilk / loguru

A lightweight C++ logging library
The Unlicense
1.79k stars 261 forks source link

Git release or tag? #253

Open hadim opened 3 weeks ago

hadim commented 3 weeks ago

Would that be possible to get a git tag on 4adaa185883e3c04da25913579c451d3c32cfac1 ?

I need it to build a conda package from this repo: https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes/pull/28092

Thank you.

hadim commented 3 weeks ago

ping @bylowerik @emilk

hadim commented 3 weeks ago

A proper release is not needed. Only a git tag such as 2.1.1 or similar will do the job here.

hadim commented 3 weeks ago

ping @skaravos as well.

Sorry for the noise everyone, but I am not sure who exactly maintains or has write permissions to this repository.

skaravos commented 3 weeks ago

I believe only @emilk and @bylowerik have write permissions, one of them will have to return to address this (& other issues)