eminetto / clean-architecture-go-v2

Clean Architecture sample
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Grokking the Clean Architecture API setup process #13

Closed breaker-of-stone closed 2 years ago

breaker-of-stone commented 2 years ago

Hi, excellent exposition of the Clean Architecture concepts - I'm deeply grateful for the articles and repo.

I'm using these as a pathway to learning (and teaching) API construction in Go, however I am having difficulty getting up the first couple of rungs of the knowledge ladder, and I imagine others will face the same difficulties.

I'd appreciate guidance on a few issues we've run into, if you don't mind.

[0] Is the code entirely functional (or merely illustrative in parts)?

[1] When running ./bin/api: README describes API invocations with curl, however result is "Error adding book" or similar, and the api process log produces HTTP 500 errors:

[negroni] 2022-02-09T21:03:38+08:00 | 500 |      59.881538ms | localhost:8080 | GET /v1/book
[negroni] 2022-02-09T21:04:09+08:00 | 500 |      6.736978ms | localhost:8080 | POST /v1/book

I'll assume these are due to issue [2], but is there a simple way to expose more context?

[2] ./bin/search ozzy # produces:

2022/02/09 21:08:51 Error 1045: Access denied for user 'clean_architecture_go_v2'@'localhost'

... which indicates I don't have a database set up. Fair enough, but would have appreciated some guidance before the API curl examples.

[3] It also indicates I should authenticate somehow. Are we relying on HTTP/Basic? Any clues you can offer?

[4] docker-compose.yml indicates a MySQL image might be used. I'll give that a try then. ./ops/db/init.sql seems to be used for database creation. Passwords appear to be created in plain text, so can preload a few - correct?

[5] Are Grafana and Prometheus (a) functionally necessary or (b) valuable for understanding the code's behaviour?


breaker-of-stone commented 2 years ago

Re [1], [2] it's not the lack of a database.

mysql> select * from user;
| id    | email             | password  |
| auser | anemail@gmail.com | apassword |

$ curl -u auser:apassword -iX "POST" "http://localhost:8080/v1/user" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -H 'Accept: application/json' -d $'{  "email": "ozzy@metal.net",  "first_name": "Ozzy",  "last_name": "Osbourne",  "password": "bateater666"}'
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Authorization, Content-Type
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 03:47:41 GMT
Content-Length: 17

Error adding user%

--- and ---
2022/02/11 11:47:41 Error 1045: Access denied for user 'clean_architecture_go_v2'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[negroni] 2022-02-11T11:47:41+08:00 | 500 |      81.754036ms | localhost:8080 | POST /v1/user

breaker-of-stone commented 2 years ago


[1] & [2] The database connection has been hijacked by an unrelated MySQL instance. Improvement Suggestions below.


API authentication errors continue, despite using the (config sourced) credentials which work interactively in the Docker console shell.

ps aux |grep mysql  
    # reveals an obsolete mysqld instance, which is stealing the queries to port 3306.
    # Note that mysql container in Docker indicates in Docker UI that it has attached to port 3306, yet ...
    # Docker log reports (amongst a mass of irrelevant entries):  [Note] Aborted connection 8 to db: 'clean_architecture_go_v2' user: 'clean_architecture_go_v2' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets) - not exactly a definitive error :(

brew services stop mysql
    # confirm with ps, brew services lis,  lanchctl list

In Docker UI restart mysql container.

[6] Next issue: List Users Curl query returns a 500, however the SQL error is more diagnostic:

2022/02/12 11:03:57 In api/handler.user.go/listUsers:26
2022/02/12 11:03:57 ListUsers error:  sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "id": Scan: invalid UUID length: 5
[negroni] 2022-02-12T11:03:57+08:00 | 500 |      10.367251ms | localhost:8080 | GET /v1/user

It turns out that the id is not simply varchar(50) as specified in the initdb.sql script. It contains a UUID that is generated at user creation time. So ...

Curl to create a user. Curl to list users again. Success!

Improvement Suggestions

  1. 'make test' clearly does no database write/read tests. Add some, even if as a new Make target.
  2. the /ping route could be upgraded to a /smoketest function that does an ephemeral database connection test.
  3. MySQL errors are not identified as such - prefix 'Error 1045: Access denied' with a token to indicate message originates from database driver, so it is not mis-perceived as an HTTP auth issue.
  4. Provide a single paragraph description of the engineering architecture - API code, database, Prometheus, Grafana - what feeds what to what, and where to find the logs!

Onward and Downward ! 😧