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Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO)
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Correct description of SMILES annotation property #295

Open eibar-flores opened 2 months ago

eibar-flores commented 2 months ago

The SMILES representation has been added as annotation property in the Chemistry Discipline of EMMO: https://w3id.org/emmo/disciplines/chemistry#EMMO_2e0b0f1b_ba90_4827_af5a_92b826cb90de.

However, the prefLabel and elucidation need to be corrected:

Currently Suggested Correction Reason
prefLabel smileReference SMILESReference The last S in SMILES is part of the acronym.
Elucidation OpenSMILE representation of a molecular structure. OpenSMILES representation ... Same as above.

I would also suggest adding a wikipediaReference to this page, and if possible link the class to the open SMILES specification, e.g. via a dcterms:source property.