Closed MichaelDvP closed 1 year ago
ok, let's hardcode to platform.ini
in [espressi32_base]
and also update the ci
target to use espressi32_base
until we've figured out what the issue is.
Please add the change to platform.ini in your actual PR to ensure working binaries after merge.
If I look at the differences between platformio 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 they are just Python changes ( Both use SDK v4.4.4.
I tested on a 4MB ESP32 and the ESP-S3 and they both work, no crashes. But I'm running standalone with no EMS or sensors attached.
I think the update uses arduino-esp32 2.0.11 on IDF 4.4.5, but plaform 3.6.1 is based on arduino 2.0.9 and IDF 4.4.4 I've tested with pio pkg update and platform=espressif32 and development platform for esp32, esp32s3 and esp32c3. On all i can compile without errors and upload to a running ems-esp. But it starts always the old software, not the uploaded. Flashing via usb ends in bootloop with RTC_Watchdog, no code-error displayed. Maybe something in idf 4.4.5 bootloader, or the serial hardware init from arduino.
Ok, I'll pio pkg update too and see if there is a change.
There is definitely something strange going on. I made some changes to the login screen (SignIn.tsx) which works when running yarn run standalone
and even yarn run preview-standalone
but for some reason when updating to an ESP32 it's still using the old pages. And it's not cached. Really baffling me....
when updating to an ESP32 it's still using the old pages
I think it's using the old software (other partition), count up the version to check which software is running.
that's what I thought. If I change the version.h and rebuild it shows the new version, but still uses the old web code.
I'm using PlatformIO extension version 3.3.0 (not the latest 3.3.1) in VSCode. Maybe that's a reason it works for me.
I've tried in my repo as dev2 with GH action to use platform=enspressif32
, this works, but it install:
PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (6.3.2) > Espressif ESP32 Dev Module
- framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 3.20009.0 (2.0.9)
and uses IDF 4.4.4.
With develop platform it installes 3.20011 (2.0.11) and ems-esp crashes.
PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (6.3.2+sha.f1fdbc5) > Espressif ESP32 Dev Module
- framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 3.20011.230801 (2.0.11)
I'm using PlatformIO extension version 3.3.0 (not the latest 3.3.1) in VSCode. Maybe that's a reason it works for me.
I'm using extension 3.3.1, but that wasn't the reason. I've uninstalled the 6.3.2 and with a newly triggered pkg update it installs 6.3.2 (2.0.9) for default. That works. Using development platform uses 6.3.2 (2.0.11) and still is not working. But we can change the platformio.ini to use standard-platform.
I'm using PlatformIO extension version 3.3.0 (not the latest 3.3.1) in VSCode. Maybe that's a reason it works for me.
I'm using extension 3.3.1, but that wasn't the reason. I've uninstalled the 6.3.2 and with a newly triggered pkg update it installs 6.3.2 (2.0.9) for default. That works. Using development platform uses 6.3.2 (2.0.11) and still is not working. But we can change the platformio.ini to use standard-platform.
your correct - there was a problem with my pio installation which was using wrong versions of Python. Now I've fixed that I'll try out 6.3.2 again.
If I change the version.h and rebuild it shows the new version, but still uses the old web code.
Seems you have disabled the progmem generation in one of the latest commits.
by the way @MichaelDvP do you know when we build with platform = espressif32@6.3.2
( the SDK version still shows as v4.4.4
in the web? I thought v6 of the espressif32 library was built on the latest IDF v5
Afaik the platform is compatible to IDF 5, but framework arduino is actual 2.0.9 with IDF 4.4.4 or (not working) 2.0.11 with IDF 4.4.5. See for work for idf V5
I think with framework=espidf platformio loads idf v5.
I tried using Tasmota's fork with platform =
but also get into a boot loop.
I disabled mqtt, web, uart, rtc to try and find the root cause but it's none of those. I think we just need to wait until it's official
I have also tried with the ems-esp-loader, which is mainly a esp-react without any ems-function. Also bootloop. But there are also other issues with this platform: 32k less heap is not good for ems-esp.
Tried the latest platformio espressif32 6.4.0 which uses Arduino v2.0.11 and IDF 5.1.1 and it's still doing the boot-loop. Which is a shame since it uses about 15KB less Flash.
I'm going to start looking disabling pieces of code to try and find what is causing it. It may be LittleFS.
With core_debug_level=5 i see only a single message
[ 3][V][WiFiServer.h:42] WiFiServer(): WiFiServer::WiFiServer(port=23, ...)
then it takes a while before the RTC Watchdog resets. port 23 is strange, telnet ist started much later.
I think you're right and the telnet code is failing and causing the restarts. Telnet is initialized in the main class at
before any of the setup() or loop() is run.
I think you're right and the telnet code is failing and causing the restarts. Telnet is initialized in the main class at
before any of the setup() or loop() is run.
its not Telnet. removed that code and it still loops. I think its deeper, will need to get the JTAG debugger out
Yes, it also loops with the loader, which is v3.5 and have no telnet/mqtt/ems. Also the eth test it not the cause, because it is skipped for s3/c3 and these chips also loop. I'll take the loader for analysing and take this chnge to raise it to 3.6.
not that it helps but I tried the 3.0.0 code to see if it would work with the latest espressif 2.0.11 and it also bootloops. Now definitely going to get the ESP-Prog board out and do some low level debugging. it may be in the wifi, asynctcp or webserver somewhere.
I've tried a plain copy of wih the new platform = espressif32
, disabled all features and use an original nodemcu-32. Same bootloop.
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4
Maybe @rjwats can help. I'll make some more tests and then open a issue at esp8266-react.
ha! I did the same last night with the same results (took lots of backwards tweaking to get it to compile!).
I've got my ESP-Prog dusted off so will debug and see where it breaks.
It could be something with the partition tables. With 2.0.9 I see
Configuring flash size...
Flash will be erased from 0x00001000 to 0x00005fff...
Flash will be erased from 0x00008000 to 0x00008fff...
Flash will be erased from 0x0000e000 to 0x0000ffff...
Flash will be erased from 0x00010000 to 0x001e4fff...
and with 2.0.11 I see
Configuring flash size...
Flash will be erased from 0x00001000 to 0x00004fff...
Flash will be erased from 0x00008000 to 0x00008fff...
Flash will be erased from 0x0000e000 to 0x0000ffff...
Flash will be erased from 0x00010000 to 0x00175fff...
notice the last line. Then I read about a bug in pio where the partition CSV files need to have an offset. So I changed our esp32_partition_4M.csv
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000,
otadata, data, ota, 0xE000, 0x2000,
app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0x1F0000,
app1, app, ota_1, 0x200000, 0x1F0000,
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x3F0000, 0x10000,
but it still didn't work!! I'll try again tomorrow
Seem a timing issue, the class setup have to be moved to the setup() function. Tested with the plain esp8266React: This bootloops
#include <ESP8266React.h>
AsyncWebServer server(80);
ESP8266React esp8266React(&server);
ESP8266React * espReact;
void setup() {
void loop() {
This works:
#include <ESP8266React.h>
AsyncWebServer server(80);
ESP8266React * espReact;
void setup() {
espReact = new ESP8266React(&server);
void loop() {
nice! I'll look into the ESP8266React object to see what is initialized too earlier that could cause this. I checked again and the Partition tables look fine so that was just the wrong rabbit hole last night ;-(
I've changed the loader to register esp8266React in setup and it works, so partition table/LittleFS is not the cause. But flash usage is 30k higher as with espressif32@5.2.0:
that's a shame, I thought the heap issues would have been resolved (
It's flash, not heap. Appr. the same as platform 6.3.x, The loader was on 5.2.0 using less flash.
Solution found: In NetworkSettingsService move all WIFI.xx
calls to the begin() function. Works in esp8266React and in Loader, Now compiling ems-esp. I'll make a PR.
amazing!! I spent 2 hours last night debugging this and got so deep in the RTOS looking at the why it crashed in the (stateful machine) I stopped
But with new platform the memory is lower. With bus disconnected, mqtt off i have on ESP32: ESP32-v4.4.4: heap: 156, max_alloc:107, flash-size: 1978 EPS32-v4.4.5: heap: 122, max_alloc: 71, flash_size: 1981
3k more flash, and 34/36k more heap usage. Maybe RAM has a missing 32k segment of SRAM1? Is it not counted or not used? Stay on 6.3.2 for the ems32-4M build?
S3 chip with my test build, bus active, mqtt active: S3-v4.4.4: heap 186, max_alloc: 167, psram_free: 8144, flash: 2028 S3-v4.4.5: heap 189, max_alloc: 171, psram_free: 8151, flash: 2033
Here free ram is better, in heap and psram.
Yes, unfortunately stay on 6.3.2 for the 4MB build. It's probably worth asking the community what is causing this and also @Jason2866 - he built a custom lib that excludes the mbedtls stuff, and I think we need that for the Wifi SSL
I think it is solved, but we have to wait until it is released. shows, that only esp32 is affected and that it is solved:
It's fixed in 2.0.12 I see from the roadmap, and it may be a while until PIO upgrades, so we could just point to this GIT in the platformio.ini's platform
I haven't tested but hoping it will free up more available Flash mem so we can complete the Turkish translations on the 4MB
or not.
We need to get 6.3.1 out soon because of the mqtt bug and also Kees has a whole box of new gateway boards to flash.
just point to this GIT
Do you have a link? There is also: the fixed tasmota version to test: platform =
We need to get 6.3.1 out soon because of the mqtt bug and also Kees has a whole box of new gateway boards to flash.
Use platform 6.3.2 for the 3.6.1 release, we can switch platform in the next dev. Also the powerentites are now in my dev2, add it later.
Actually I don't how to use 2.0.12 directly from pio. I hope they upgrade soon as 2.0.12 was officially released yesterday. There are others waiting as well
Hu, don't know what's missing in the tasmota platform, flash usage is drastic lower, heap is good. On my testbuild: platform 6.4.0: flash 2000, heap 122, max_alloc 71 tasmota: 6.4.0: flash 1560, heap 182, max_alloc 107
actual standalone working,will test with bus/mqtt connected.
Actually I don't how to use 2.0.12 directly from pio.
Mee too, Maybe something like: platform = espressif32 framework =
Results with the connected S3: S3, bus and mqtt connected: espressif6.40: heap: 189, max_alloc: 171, psram_free: 8151, flash:2033 tasmota6.4.0: heap: 211 max_alloc: 195, psram_free: 8153, flash:1586 All seems to work.
Hu, don't know what's missing in the tasmota platform, flash usage is drastic lower, heap is good. On my testbuild: platform 6.4.0: flash 2000, heap 122, max_alloc 71 tasmota: 6.4.0: flash 1560, heap 182, max_alloc 107
actual standalone working,will test with bus/mqtt connected.
does MQTT over SSL work? I think the tasmota lib removed the SSL stuff (mbed)
does MQTT over SSL work? I think the tasmota lib removed the SSL stuff (mbed)
You'r right, SSL is not working. But for 4MB-esp32 without psram this is a good option.
Yes, since we don't use mbedtls, i removed as most as possible ciphers. Just left the ones which are needed to connect WiFi. For ssl stuff we use BearSSL (modified and optimized in size and RAM usage). It outperforms mbedtls in every aspect. So we have reduced ram and flash footprint of the framework together with other changed sdkconfig settings which saves resources. For Tasmota based on Arduino 3.0 (working quiet nice already on C6). We removed deprecated SPIFFS and the Arduino NIMBLE. In Tasmota we use h2zero NimBLE (esp-nimble-cpp).
Then Michael let's go with Tasmota's optimized build for everything? Maybe after 6.3.1 which is patch release to fix the mqtt overflow issue. That will give us some time to discover what's different in the library.
Trying to switch to 2.0.13 i always get:
C:/Users/Michael/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/Ethernet/src/ETH.h:28:10: fatal error: WiFi.h: No such file or directory
Editing the line to #include "../../WiFi/src/WiFi.h"
works, but this is not a solution for the ci-build.
Any idea how to solve this?
Testing with Arduino 3.0 i stuck on errors of the onewire lib direct-io.
@MichaelDvP The include file not find is a strange issue. Maybe try other Platformio LDF mode(S) For Arduino 3.0 the OneWire lib is not Arduino 3.0 ready. We have modified to get it going. This modified version works for core 2.0.x and 3.0.0.
Taking a look how platformio.ini is done. It is not good at all. For example lib_ldf_mode
cant be used several times.
Dont use extends and redefine platform
Dont take my next statement as offend. The whole platformio setup is somehow crude done. Have been there with Tasmota platformio setup too. The real weird with this it works a long time and a complete not related change brakes compile!
Took me many hours to get a working predictable Tasmota platformio setup done.
Some experiences:
more than one time. Redefine does not work predictableextra_scripts
just careful adding works. Try and Cry workbuild_flags = ${common.build_flags} -O2
works "sometimes" better use a newline for each entrylibrary-properties
or/and a library.json
A library include file not found is a very typical indicator for something "fishy" in Platformio setup
Thanks @Jason2866 for explaining that
Tried to setup a platformio.ini with only a single env, no pio_local, no extends, etc. Set lib_ldf_mode=deep+
and added library-properties to all lib folders. No luck. Still this single error. All other #include <WiFi.h>
work, only for ETH.h not.
2023.09.00 compiles without errors, 2023.09.01 and 2023.09.02 gives this error.
This is really strange.
I thought maybe in my environment, but github actions gives the same error.
And changing this single line to #include "../../WiFi/src/WiFi.h"
works, no warnings or errors.
The new framework is released a day ago, but makes problems with ems-esp. I tested a small change and it seems it does not work. It takes a while to realize that the new software was never started. It compiles, uploads, but boots to the old slot. So updating is not possible. Tested on esp32 and esp32-S3. For now i suggest to use
platform = espressif32@6.3.1
in pio_local.ini until this is solved.