enanomapper / ontologies

The eNanoMapper ontology
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should copper (II) oxide NP be a subclass of copper oxide NP? #107

Closed egonw closed 7 years ago

egonw commented 7 years ago

Now they are next to each other:


JKChang2015 commented 7 years ago


G-Owen commented 7 years ago

No it shouldn't! [There was an error in the ChEBI classification. Both cuprous oxide (CHEBI:81908, also known as copper(I) oxide) and copper(II) oxide (CHEBI:75955) are now child terms of copper oxide (CHEBI:134609).]

G-Owen commented 7 years ago

[The corresponding nanoparticles in ChEBI are
cuprous oxide nanoparticle (CHEBI:134402) and copper(II) oxide nanoparticle (CHEBI:83159)]

JKChang2015 commented 7 years ago


G-Owen commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I may have generated confusion here! When I said "no it shouldn't", I really meant "No, the terms shouldn't be next to each other, unconnected. Yes copper(II) oxide NP should be a subclass of copper oxide" Cuprous oxide (= copper(I) oxide) and cupric oxide (= copper(II) oxide) should both be subclasses of copper oxide.

JKChang2015 commented 7 years ago

OK, I will have a look of these classes

JKChang2015 commented 7 years ago

relocated & added.