enji7 / runeemon

Apache License 2.0
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runEEmon is a simple Java command line tool that assists in downloading, installing, deploying, and running the following Jakarta EE and MicroProfile runtimes (aka application servers):

According to the OmniFaces Jakarta EE Survey 2020/2021, these are among the most widely used, freely available application servers.

Additional runtimes can be configured via Java property files in the /config/runtimes/ subdirectory. In particular, GlassFish will be added as soon as it runs on JDK 11 (in version 6.1.0).

See also runEEmon (Cargo Edition), an alternative version of runEEmon that is powered by Codehaus Cargo.

Gotta run 'em all!

Getting started

runEEmon has been developed on Ubuntu Linux, and also tested (to some extent) on Windows 10.

To run the examples below on your machine, take the following preparations first:

git clone https://github.com/enji7/runeemon
cd runeemon
mvn compile
chmod u+x runeemon

Ping is a simple Jakarta EE REST application that can be used for deployment tests.

Usage examples

For Windows, replace runeemon with runeemon.bat in the commands below.

Download, extract and run WildFly (and also deploy a WAR that you may have placed into runEEmon's autodeploy directory):

Download and extract Wildfly and Payara:

Download and extract all supported runtimes:

Print info for TomEE and OpenLiberty:


./runeemon <command> <space-separated runtime names, or 'all'>

list               lists the names of all configured runtimes
fetch              downloads the given runtimes into the 'nest' folder (if not already done)
hatch              extracts the given runtimes into the 'zoo' folder (if not already done, fetch included)
deploy             deploys the WAR from the 'autodeploy' directory to the given runtimes (fetch and hatch included)
start-bg           starts the given runtime in the background (fetch, hatch and deploy included)
start-fg           starts the given runtime in the foreground (fetch, hatch and deploy included)
start              starts the given runtime in the background or foreground (fetch, hatch and deploy included)
stop               stops the given runtime after it has been started in the background
clean-deployments  removes the deployments (WARs) for the given runtimes
clean-zoo          removes the extracted files for the given runtimes
clean-nest         removes the downloads and extractions for the given runtimes
info               prints available information for the given runtimes

Pro tip: You can also put the runtime names before the actual command.

Command Line Completion

On the Linux shell, use the following command to enable auto-completion for runEEmon's command line parameters (by pressing 'Tab'):

source /path/to/completion.sh

Add this command to ~/.bashrc to enable auto-completion permanently for a single user.

Directory Structure

Directory Content
autodeploy WARs that shall be deployed (initially empty)
config/runtimes one configuration file per supported runtime, and one template for adding new runtimes
nest downloaded runtime zips (initially empty)
zoo extracted runtimes (initially empty)


What about Jakarta EE & MicroProfile frameworks?

The following frameworks are currently not supported by runEEmon:

This is due to the fact that these are no application servers in the traditional sense. Some of the relevant differences (which might not all apply to each of them) are:

What about Codehaus Cargo?

Codehaus Cargo is a great project with a similar purpose. Compared to runEEmon, it comes with a wider range of application servers and neat integration features. If your requirements exceed occasional experiments, be sure to check it out.

See runEEmon (Cargo Edition), an alternative version of runEEmon that is powered by Codehaus Cargo.

How to pronounce runEEmon?

Like "runny mon", rhymes with "funny don".

How can I express my runEEmon-induced euphoria?

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