enkr1 / task-three

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Pang Jing Hui | P1845259

Web API Document

No. HTTP Method Route Description
1. GET api/Values Return a string message, "Hello, {userName}."
2. GET api/Account/UserInfo Retrieve the current user information.
3. POST api/Account/Logout Log out of the current account.
4. GET api/Account/ManageInfo?returnUrl={returnUrl}&generateState={generateState} Return ManageInfoViewModal
5. POST api/Account/ChangePassword Change the password of the current user account.
6. POST api/Account/SetPassword Create a password for the account.
7. POST api/Account/AddExternalLogin Add external login account.
8. POST api/Account/RemoveLogin Perform RemovePasswordAsync or RemoveLoginAsync
9. GET api/Account/ExternalLogin?provider={provider}&error={error} External log in with other platforms
10. GET api/Account/ExternalLogins?returnUrl={returnUrl}&generateState={generateState} Log in with the external credentials and return url and state.
11. POST api/Account/Register Register a user account.
12. POST api/Account/RegisterExternal Register a user account with external credentials.

Browser testing

1. Register a user account:

2. User account in local database:

3. Login into a user account:

4. Call API:

Postman testing

1. Call API without Token:

If you try to call the api without the token of a user account, access will be denied.

2. Get Token from a user account:

The access_token and token_type are the required values to proceed authorization.

3. Call API with Token:

KEY = Authorization, VALUE = "token_type" + " " + "access_token"

Sequence Diagrams

Example: The user is trying to login with name and password. The website sends these user credentials to the authorization server. The authorization server authenticates the credentials and returns an access token. To access a protected resource, the browser includes the access token in the Authorization header of the HTTP request.

Note for myself:


Provides a Web API endpoint for managing user accounts. The Register action is the only one that we used in this tutorial. Other methods on the class support password reset, social logins, and other functionality.


Defined in /Models/IdentityModels.cs. This class is the EF model for user accounts in the membership database.


Defined in /App_Start/IdentityConfig.cs This class derives from UserManager and performs operations on user accounts, such as creating a new user, verifying passwords, and so forth, and automatically persists changes to the database.


This object plugs into the OWIN middleware, and processes events raised by the middleware. It derives from OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.


  1. http://mycsc.net/uncategorized/web-api-2-security-authentication-bearer-token-tutorial/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbvxFW4UJdU