Open slyons opened 5 years ago
Just tried again and it ended after 6 epochs.
Running with python3 -i
results in:
Epoch 13/100
123/123 [==============================] - 19s 153ms/step - loss: 3.2521 - acc: 0.2736 - val_loss: 5.9371 - val_acc: 0.0312
Epoch 14/100
123/123 [==============================] - 20s 163ms/step - loss: 3.0039 - acc: 0.3107 - val_loss: 6.0639 - val_acc: 0.0521
>>> dir()
['Activation', 'BATCH_SIZE', 'Bidirectional', 'Dense', 'Dropout', 'EarlyStopping', 'LSTM', 'LambdaCallback', 'MIN_WORD_FREQUENCY', 'ModelCheckpoint', 'SEQUENCE_LEN', 'STEP', 'Sequential', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'callbacks_list', 'checkpoint', 'corpus', 'early_stopping', 'examples', 'examples_file', 'f', 'file_path', 'generator', 'get_model', 'i', 'ignored', 'ignored_words', 'indices_word', 'io', 'k', 'model', 'next_words', 'next_words_test', 'np', 'on_epoch_end', 'os', 'print_callback', 'print_function', 'sample', 'sentences', 'sentences_test', 'shuffle_and_split_training_set', 'sys', 'text', 'text_in_words', 'v', 'word', 'word_freq', 'word_indices', 'words']
It is possibly caused by the EarlyStopping Try to run it commenting the line
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_acc', patience=20)
And removing it from the callbacks
callbacks_list = [checkpoint, print_callback, early_stopping]
That seems to have let things progress further, but I'm still running into the same Unicode errors that I have with other RNN type examples. Every source in my project is produced with .decode("utf-8")
and opened in plain w
mode, no binary.
examples_file.write('----- Generating with seed:\n"' + ' '.join(sentence) + '"\n')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u2019' in position 68: ordinal not in range(128)
Try to create example_files with codecs
import codecs
The modify
examples_file = open(examples, "w")
examples_file =, 'w', encoding='utf8')
And leave the rest as is. This may fix your problem.
Following the examples in the readme but using my own input set results in the script just..ending after 24 completed epochs. No output or errors.
The first time I ran the script I had encoding issues, now it's just ending.