Title: Hot restarter kill sidecar immediately when current Envoy process is in INITIALIZING state
When hot_restarter.py receives HUP while the current envoy process is still having flags = INITIALIZING, hot_restarter.py simply exit with ABORT error (this is a silent death with nothing printed to stderr). This would kill Envoy sidecar container immediately. It would be ideal to provide an option telling hot_restarter.py to keep current Envoy process under this situation.
Bug Template
Title: Hot restarter kill sidecar immediately when current Envoy process is in INITIALIZING state
When hot_restarter.py receives HUP while the current envoy process is still having
, hot_restarter.py simply exit with ABORT error (this is a silent death with nothing printed to stderr). This would kill Envoy sidecar container immediately. It would be ideal to provide an option telling hot_restarter.py to keep current Envoy process under this situation.flags checking: https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/master/source/server/hot_restart_impl.cc#L102
Repro steps:
Configure Envoy to a unreachable xDS server.
Use hot_restarter.py to start Envoy within a container. Then
docker kill <container ID> --signal HUP