eonpatapon / gnome-shell-extension-transmission-daemon

gnome-shell indicator for transmission-daemon
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Add alternative speed limits aka turtle mode button. #16

Closed l300lvl closed 11 years ago

l300lvl commented 11 years ago

Hi I was just wondering if any work has been done on adding this as a feature. It is exceptionally useful when my net drops at certain times of the day.

I use wimax most of the time and needless to say they throttle speeds constantly, I could get a better provider but it's easier to just set speed limits.

Anyhow, I was just curious if you have made a lot of progress on this and thought I'd provide a use case.

eonpatapon commented 11 years ago

Not yet!

I think I'll add the turtle button at the bottom. Not sure about the position though and not going to have the ability to change speeds for the first round :o

eonpatapon commented 11 years ago

Hola, let me know if you have any issue with this. Seems to work quite fine here!

l300lvl commented 11 years ago

Seems to be working great so far.

I do wonder, just out of curiosity, why it can't be added at the top with the other buttons? It is fine where it is as it is extremely helpful to have this ability.

You mentioned having the ability to change the speeds, are you planning to add that into the menu!?

Someone mentioned in a comment on ego about being able to hide transmission from the menu, instead of opening another feature request I thought I'd ask about it here. I.e Is it possible to create a way for it to detect if transmission is focused perhaps and hide it with another click of the button in the menu.

Also, on another note is it possible to force the button to bring transmission to the front when clicking the button and over-ride the default which is to put it in the background and give a notification?

l300lvl commented 11 years ago

Loving the new eta feature. What a tease that is. :)

eonpatapon commented 11 years ago

It could be added to the top for sure but it would make the menu wider because of the right text length (not in english, but in french yes). Also I try to mimic the transmission interface and this button is at the bottom.

About the speed change, not planned to do it but if there is a strong interest I could possibly do it.

I don't know how to detect if transmission-gtk is focused but it should be doable. I could use some help on this if you want this feature. Honnestly I'm not using transmission-gtk. When clicking on the button the launchClient (line 598) method is run. I think that activate_full is briging the client to the current workspace (well that's what it was doing in 3.4 at least)

Yeah ETA was sorely missing !