epi2me-labs / wf-pore-c

33 stars 9 forks source link

Offline operation wf-pore-c #82

Open Blosers opened 1 day ago

Blosers commented 1 day ago

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04

Other Linux

No response

Workflow Version

wf-pore-c.sif the latest

Workflow Execution

Command line (Cluster)

Other workflow execution

No response

EPI2ME Version

No response

CLI command run


SBATCH --job-name=pore-c

SBATCH --partition=Par-1

SBATCH --nodes=1

SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20

SBATCH --error=/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_work/red_dwarf/wf-pore-c/pore-c.err

SBATCH --output=/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_work/red_dwarf/wf-pore-c/pore-c.out

Execute your command

source ~/.bashrc

conda activate pore-c

nextflow run /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/ \ --bam '/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.concatemers.bam' \ --chunk_size 100 \ --cutter 'NlaIII' \ --hi_c \ --mcool \ --paired_end \ --paired_end_maximum_distance 200 \ --paired_end_minimum_distance 100 \ --phased_vcf '/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.phased_variants.vcf.gz' \ --ref '/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.fasta' \ --vcf '/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.phased_variants.vcf.gz' \ -profile singularity \ -c /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/nextflow.config

Workflow Execution - CLI Execution Profile


What happened?

cat nextflow.contig // // Notes to End Users. // // The workflow should run without editing this configuration file, // however there may be instances in which you wish to edit this // file for compute performance or other reasons. Please see: // // https://nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#configuration // // for further help editing this file.

params { help = false version = false bam = null fastq = null ref = null cutter = 'NlaIII' out_dir = 'output' chunk_size = 20000 sample = null vcf = null pairs = false mcool = false mcool_resolutions = '1000,2000,5000N' // 4DN tuple default coverage = false

minimap2_settings = '-x map-ont'
threads = 4

aws_image_prefix = null
aws_queue = null
disable_ping = false

analyse_unclassified = false
monochrome_logs = false
validate_params = true
show_hidden_params = false
schema_ignore_params = 'show_hidden_params,validate_params,monochrome_logs,aws_queue,aws_image_prefix,wf'
chromunity = false
chromunity_merge_distance = -1
cool_bin_size = 1000
paired_end = false
summary_json = true
filter_pairs = false
paired_end_minimum_distance = -1
paired_end_maximum_distance = -1
sample_sheet = null
hi_c = false
bed = false
pairtools_chunksize = 100000
max_monomers = 250

wf {
    name = 'wf-pore-c'
    example_cmd = [
        "--bam 'wf-pore-c-demo/porec_test.concatemers.bam'",
        "--chunk_size 100",
        "--cutter 'NlaIII'",
        "--paired_end_maximum_distance 200",
        "--paired_end_minimum_distance 100",
        "--phased_vcf 'wf-pore-c-demo/porec_test.phased_variants.vcf.gz'",
        "--ref 'wf-pore-c-demo/porec_test.fasta'",
        "--vcf 'wf-pore-c-demo/porec_test.phased_variants.vcf.gz'",
    common_sha = "shad399cf22079b5b153920ac39ee40095a677933f1"
    container_sha = 'sha3787c234c0cacf66a67fb77da223cc2e1cb0baf0'
    pore_c_py_sha = 'sha50378db56ddafe19f5e1d313ddb52dc70bbcc2bd'
    agent = null


manifest { name = 'epi2me-labs/wf-pore-c' author = 'Oxford Nanopore Technologies' homePage = 'https://github.com/epi2me-labs/wf-pore-c' description = 'workflow for analysing pore-c data.' mainScript = 'main.nf' nextflowVersion = '>=23.04.2' version = 'v1.2.2' }

epi2melabs { tags = "pore-c,contact,map,chromatin,conformation,capture" }

// used by default for "standard" (docker) and singularity profiles, // other profiles may override. process { withLabel:wfporec { container = "home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif" } withLabel:pore_c_py { container = "/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/pore-c-py.sif" } withLabel:wf_common { container = "/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-common.sif" } shell = ['/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail'] withName: "merge_coordsorted_bams|merge_namesorted_bams" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/bams/" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.{bam,csi,bai}' ] } withName: "merge_pairs|merge_pairs_stats|merge_mcools|create_restriction_bed|pair_stats_report" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/pairs/" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.{gz,stats.txt,bed,mcool,html}' ] } withName: "mosdepth_coverage" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/coverage/" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.' ] } withName: "merge_parquets_to_dataset" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/chromunity/" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.' ] } withName: "merge_paired_end_bams" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/paired_end/" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.{bam,csi,bai}' ] } withName: "makeReport" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.{html}' ] } withName: "prepare_hic" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/hi-c" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.{hic}' ] } withName: "mergeBed" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/bed" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '.{bed}' ] } withName: "get_filtered_out_bam" { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.out_dir}/filtered_out" }, mode: "copy", pattern: '*.{bam}' ] } }

profiles { // the "standard" profile is used implicitely by nextflow // if no other profile is given on the CLI standard { docker { enabled = true // this ensures container is run as host user and group, but // also adds host user to the within-container group runOptions = "--user \$(id -u):\$(id -g) --group-add 100" } }

// using singularity instead of docker
singularity {
    process {
        executor = 'local'
        // 指定本地 Singularity 镜像的路径
        container = 'singularity:///home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif'
    singularity {
        enabled = true
        autoMounts = true

// keep stub conda profile to prevent unknown profile warning so users get a better error
conda {
    conda.enabled = true

// Using AWS batch.
// May need to set aws.region and aws.batch.cliPath
awsbatch {
    process {
        executor = 'awsbatch'
        queue = "${params.aws_queue}"
        memory = '8G'
        withLabel:wfporec {
            container = "/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif"
        withLabel:pore_c_py {
             container = "/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/pore-c-py.sif"
        withLabel:wf_common {
            container = "/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-common.sif"
        shell = ['/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail']
aws.region = 'eu-west-1'
aws.batch.cliPath = '/home/ec2-user/miniconda/bin/aws'

// local profile for simplified development testing
local {
    process.executor = 'local'


timeline { enabled = true overwrite = true file = "${params.out_dir}/execution/timeline.html" } report { enabled = true overwrite = true file = "${params.out_dir}/execution/report.html" } trace { enabled = true overwrite = true file = "${params.out_dir}/execution/trace.txt" }

env { PYTHONNOUSERSITE = 1 JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = "-Xlog:disable -Xlog:all=warning:stderr" }


Plus 7 more processes waiting for tasks… ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'POREC:index_bam (1)'

Caused by: Failed to pull singularity image command: singularity pull --name home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif.pulling.1729494354443 docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif > /dev/null status : 255 hint : Try and increase singularity.pullTimeout in the config (current is "20m") message: [31mFATAL: While making image from oci registry: failed to get checksum for docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif: pinging docker registry returned: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": dial tcp i/o timeout

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

I think I have already configured local running in the NextFlow.dentig file, but why is the network still being pulled? Is there any problem with my offline running configuration in the NextFlow.dentig file?

Relevant log output

N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.04.4

Launching `/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/main.nf` [sleepy_lumiere] DSL2 - revision: 8c2550bad6

WARN: Found unexpected parameters:
* --phased_vcf: /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.phased_variants.vcf.gz
- Ignore this warning: params.schema_ignore_params = "phased_vcf"

||||||||||   _____ ____ ___ ____  __  __ _____      _       _
||||||||||  | ____|  _ \_ _|___ \|  \/  | ____|    | | __ _| |__  ___
|||||       |  _| | |_) | |  __) | |\/| |  _| _____| |/ _` | '_ \/ __|
|||||       | |___|  __/| | / __/| |  | | |__|_____| | (_| | |_) \__ \
||||||||||  |_____|_|  |___|_____|_|  |_|_____|    |_|\__,_|_.__/|___/
||||||||||  wf-pore-c v1.2.2
Core Nextflow options
  runName                    : sleepy_lumiere
  containerEngine            : singularity
  container                  : [withLabel:wfporec:home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif, withLabel:pore_c_py:/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/pore-c-py.sif, withLabel:wf_common:/home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-common.sif, default:singularity:///home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif]
  launchDir                  : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_work/red_dwarf/wf-pore-c
  workDir                    : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_work/red_dwarf/wf-pore-c/work
  projectDir                 : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c
  userName                   : dingyuanhao
  profile                    : singularity
  configFiles                : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/nextflow.config, /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/nextflow.config

Input Options
  bam                        : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.concatemers.bam
  ref                        : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.fasta
  vcf                        : /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/test_data/porec_test.phased_variants.vcf.gz

Output Options
  hi_c                       : true

Advanced Options
  chunk_size                 : 100

4DN files Options
  mcool                      : true

Paired-end BAM Options
  paired_end                 : true
  paired_end_minimum_distance: 100
  paired_end_maximum_distance: 200

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use epi2me-labs/wf-pore-c for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

This is epi2me-labs/wf-pore-c v1.2.2.
Searching input for [.bam, .ubam] files.
[-        ] POREC:checkBamHeaders          -
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[-        ] POREC:samtools_index           -
[-        ] POREC:bamstats                 -
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -

[-        ] POREC:checkBamHeaders          -
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[-        ] POREC:samtools_index           -
[-        ] POREC:bamstats                 -
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
Plus 8 more processes waiting for tasks…

[-        ] POREC:checkBamHeaders          | 0 of 1
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[-        ] POREC:samtools_index           -
[-        ] POREC:bamstats                 -
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
Plus 8 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (1)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 0 of 1
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[-        ] POREC:samtools_index           -
[-        ] POREC:bamstats                 -
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
Plus 8 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (2)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 0 of 1
[-        ] POREC:bamstats                 -
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
Plus 8 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (2)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:bamstats                 -
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
Plus 8 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (3)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[66/2e479a] POREC:bamstats (1)             | 0 of 1
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
Plus 8 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (4)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[66/2e479a] POREC:bamstats (1)             | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
[6c/c9e5dd] POR…ectIngressResultsInDir (1) | 0 of 1
Plus 7 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (4)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[66/2e479a] POREC:bamstats (1)             | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
[6c/c9e5dd] POR…ectIngressResultsInDir (1) | 0 of 1
Plus 7 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (4)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[66/2e479a] POREC:bamstats (1)             | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
[6c/c9e5dd] POR…ectIngressResultsInDir (1) | 1 of 1 ✔
Plus 7 more processes waiting for tasks…
Pulling Singularity image docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif [cache /home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif]

executor >  local (4)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[66/2e479a] POREC:bamstats (1)             | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
[6c/c9e5dd] POR…ectIngressResultsInDir (1) | 1 of 1 ✔
Plus 7 more processes waiting for tasks…

ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'POREC:index_bam (1)'

Caused by:
  Failed to pull singularity image
    command: singularity pull  --name home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif.pulling.1729494354443 docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif > /dev/null
    status : 255
    hint   : Try and increase singularity.pullTimeout in the config (current is "20m")
      [31mFATAL:   While making image from oci registry: failed to get checksum for docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif: pinging docker registry returned: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": dial tcp i/o timeout

 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

executor >  local (4)
[d5/66b39a] POREC:checkBamHeaders (1)      | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:sortBam                  -
[-        ] POREC:mergeBams                -
[-        ] POREC:catSortBams              -
[-        ] POREC:validateIndex            -
[7e/a03742] POREC:samtools_index (1)       | 1 of 1 ✔
[66/2e479a] POREC:bamstats (1)             | 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] POREC:index_bam                -
[-        ] POR…epare_genome:index_ref_mmi -
[-        ] POREC:digest_align_annotate    -
[-        ] POREC:haplotag_alignments      -
[-        ] POREC:merge_coordsorted_bams   -
[-        ] POREC:merge_namesorted_bams    -
[-        ] POREC:create_restriction_bed   -
[-        ] POREC:to_pairs_file            -
[-        ] POREC:pairsToCooler            -
[-        ] POREC:merge_mcools             -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs              -
[-        ] POREC:merge_pairs_stats        -
[-        ] POREC:pair_stats_report        -
[6c/c9e5dd] POR…ectIngressResultsInDir (1) | 1 of 1 ✔
Plus 7 more processes waiting for tasks…
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'POREC:index_bam (1)'

Caused by:
  Failed to pull singularity image
    command: singularity pull  --name home-dingyuanhao-zxl_software-wf-pore-c-wf-pore-c.sif.pulling.1729494354443 docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif > /dev/null
    status : 255
    hint   : Try and increase singularity.pullTimeout in the config (current is "20m")
      [31mFATAL:   While making image from oci registry: failed to get checksum for docker://home/dingyuanhao/zxl_software/wf-pore-c/wf-pore-c.sif: pinging docker registry returned: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": dial tcp i/o timeout

 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

Application activity log entry

No response

Were you able to successfully run the latest version of the workflow with the demo data?


Other demo data information

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Blosers commented 1 day ago

I think I have already configured local running in the NextFlow.dentig file, but why is the network still being pulled? Is there any problem with my offline running configuration in the NextFlow.dentig file?

sarahjeeeze commented 9 hours ago

Heym did you first set environemnt variable with export NXF_OFFLINE='true'