equinor / segyio

Fast Python library for SEGY files.
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Write `traces` and `trace_headers` using the segyio C interface #550

Open ahadji05 opened 1 year ago

ahadji05 commented 1 year ago

I want to create some functionality in my C code that allows to model data and store them in SEG-Y files for usage later. I couldn't find an example that demonstrates how to write files from scratch, and I find it difficult to get started with it. I would appreciate any help that could give me a point to start working on this, e.g. a minimal example/script that shows how to write a trace and a trace_header, or so.

I have the following data-structure in my C code, which I want to store into a SEG-Y:

typedef struct wavefield {
  float xmin, xmax, dx;  // receivers across X-axis
  float ymin, ymax, dy;  // receivers across Y-axis
  float tmin, tmax, dt;  // time-range and sample interval
  float *data;           // pointer to data
  float srcx, srcy;      // source position
  int nx, ny, nt;        // dimensions
  int ldx, ldy, ldt;     // leading dimensions ( ldx==1,  ldy==nx,  ldt==ny*nx )
} wavefield;

my goal is to implement an interface like this:

void create_writeable_segyfile( segy_file *fp, const char *name );

void write_trace_header( segy_file *fp,  wavefield *wf, int trace_index );

void write_trace( segy_file *fp, wavefield *wf, int trace_index );

Any piece of code, hint, or link where to look further would be much appreciated:)

ErlendHaa commented 1 year ago

The flip endianness application might give you some insight into how to write a new file using the C api
