erayalakese / slack-wordpress

WordPress Integration for Slack
MIT License
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Will not save settings, reverting back to Step 2 #10

Closed audvin closed 9 years ago

audvin commented 9 years ago

I'm selecing the notifications I want and to which channels they are sent, but after selecting Submit I'm back to Step 2.

I see this message on top of the page: Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /wp-content/plugins/slack-integration/inc/plugin.class.php on line 38

short_open_tag is On

erayalakese commented 9 years ago


Can you please try again by browsing to Slack admin page with this url : http://YOURDOMAIN/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=slack-for-wordpress ?

And do you have any channels and groups in your Slack account ?

audvin commented 9 years ago

Visited that url, it put me back to the Step 2 button. From which I go through the authentication etc. then after Save back to the same url/page and Step 2.

Yes, have channels in my team account.

erayalakese commented 9 years ago

@audvin ,

I'm working on it . Please follow this issue post for updates. Thank you.

erayalakese commented 9 years ago

@audvin Can you please try this version :

audvin commented 9 years ago

That worked, thanks!