erdl / thermal_comfort

Algorithms for Thermal Comfort Prediction using PMV and Adaptive Method.
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adaptive-method ashrae55 pmv r sensors thermal-comfort

Thermal Comfort

This repository currently has available two thermal comfort assessment methods:


The PMV method is mostly based of CBE Comfort Tool. It uses R code to wrap around the pmvElevatedAirSpeed javascript function (which in turn depend on a few other javascript functions also available on this repository pmv folder to be self contained but authored by the CBE Comfort Tool group), making PMV/PPD calculation scriptable.

pmv/calculate_pmv_ppd.R contains a simple script, and pmv_ppd.Rmd a notebook explaining the steps. See Rpubs for a readable version showing plots and code.

Adaptive Method

The adaptive method is based purely of ASHRAE55, and does not use CBE Comfort Tool code.

The R code is currently only available as a notebook on adaptive_method.Rmd. You can find a readable version also on Rpubs.