Root system support: Introduced roots, including independent axiom, rules, and iterations to simulate root growth alongside branches.
Shader integration: Applied a basic shader to distinguish between branches and roots, with support for dynamic colors based on lifecycle stages.
Bezier curve and wind effects: Improved the wind simulation and curvature for more realistic branch and root growth, adding Bezier curves to enhance natural shape and dynamic wind strength.
Angle caching: Optimized performance by caching angle calculations (cosine and sine) for both branches and roots.
Segment interaction support: Added the ability to interact with individual plant segments, allowing for future gameplay features such as cutting.
Flexible NodePath for renderer: Replaced hardcoded renderer paths with flexible NodePath to allow for better scene management and integration.
Improved MultiMesh rendering: Unified the MultiMesh update for both branches and roots, improving the overall structure and scalability for rendering complex plants. Later planned to bring potential multiple MultiMesh for each part of the L-System suc has one for Roots and one for Branches
to allow for better scene management and integration.