ericcarraway / typo-hunter

tools for finding typos in codebases and prose
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Closed ericcarraway closed 7 years ago

ericcarraway commented 7 years ago

academics accurately acrobatics actionable advertisements agility ambitious anticipate antiquated appetites archives armies assesses assignees asteroid astronauts authoritative autobiography autonomy autopilot

backstage balancing baseball behavioral belonged bestseller biography booklist boredom bouncy brains brooks businessmen

casual celebrated centers charts cheese cheesy chemistry citing civilization classical cliffhangers cline cohesive comic communicated compassion competitors complement comprising concentration conclusions concurrency connectors conscience conservative contracts contrarian contributed converters coworkers cringing cultivate customizable

decisive deserves diagram diagrams dimensional disappoint discovery disjointed dismal dispersed disposable distill distilling distills divergence diversity dividends dreams dust duties dynamics dysfunctional dysfunctions dystopian

earning economics ecosystems educator elaborate elephant emotional empathy empower empowerment encyclopedic entertaining entertainment entourage entrepreneurial entrepreneurs entrepreneurship erosion evacuate evolutionary excellence exceptionally expectations explorer extrapolate extrapolating

fallacies fascinating fickle fiction fictional financing findings firsthand flashcards flatland flawed fledgling flights flush flywheel folds forgettable formulas foundational founded fried friendship fruitful furnishing futuristic

gamer gamut gates generalizations globalization grandeur grandparents graphs grappling grids gripping groundbreaking grounded guiding guys

hammered hardened heal heath highlighter hiking hopelessly hostile householder humanity humor hunger

identification idle illustrations immersive impressed inboxes inconspicuous independence indispensable inducing influenced infrastructure infrastructures ingenuity inhabitants innovate innovation insatiable insights instigate instinctive intentional invasion invest investigating irrational irrelevance iterative

jackrabbit jargon jingles jokes judgments

keystone kingdom

languishes lawyer legends linchpin lotus loyal lured

makeover manmade manufacturing markdown marketer mashup mastery mediocre memorable methodologies millionaire mindlessly motivates motivational motivator myth mythical

nail naked narrative networking neuroscience nodding nostalgia nuggets

observer optical optimism organs outliers outsourcing overloaded

parable parity passions patched pathfinder peers persistence physics pitched planes planets platitudes plausible playful playfully pleasantly pluck portability portal possessions postpone pounding pragmatic pragmatism predict predictably presumed prince profits proven psychologist psychology punts pursuits puzzles

rating recruit reflections refresher reminders reservation resistance reversals revolutionary revolves reward richness rider rightfully rings riveting roadmap robustness romance

salesmen satellites scarcity schemas scientifically scientists scrollable secrets selfishness selves separates shamelessly silicon silk silliness smattering snapshots specialists spectrum spencer spiders sports stained standpoint stars startling startup startups stealing sticker stickers stickiest stoicism storyline storytelling straddles strains stylesheets subscript subsequently subtlety superscript surfaces survival survivor swear symbolism synopsis synthesizes systemic

tactical teachers teamwork thrive timeline tinker tipping tolerance toolbar toolbars touting traditions transformational transformations transitional trend triangulation

uncovers underdog underdogs underwhelming undressing unforgettable unprecedented unsatisfied unsettling unsubscribe uprooting urban urgency

vanity vegetables viral virtues voting

warped wealthy wisdom withstand witnessed woods workbook workflows worlds

ericcarraway commented 7 years ago

abbreviations accurately aggressive averaged booleans citizens completeness customary customizable derailed descriptors expectation expectations explosive handbook indents meticulously modifier modifiers mysteries negated participates prescribed prominent redistribution remotes screenshots secrets seemingly strives timelines venue ⬆

ericcarraway commented 7 years ago

darken desaturate knob stub

ericcarraway commented 7 years ago

composite composited composites