ericka-howard / masters-project-lcz-classification

A project assessing suitability of random forests for Local Climate Zone classification in Hong Kong.
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spacing #7

Closed ericka-howard closed 3 years ago

ericka-howard commented 3 years ago

Try to make references section and Table 1 single spaced

cwickham commented 3 years ago

You can wrap the parts you want single space in \begin{singlespace} and \end{singlespace}, e.g. for table 1:

```{r echo=FALSE}
scene_dat[,2:3] %>%
kable(caption = "Acquisition Dates of Each Landsat 8 Scene", format='latex',linesep='',booktabs=TRUE,escape=FALSE) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = c('striped','HOLD_position'), font_size = 8)


Oh, and the page limit problem may be worse than anticipated.  The guidebook says 12pt font!  So, you'll need to add:

fontsize: 12pt

to the header.  This currently results in 20 pages!