ericmerrill / Banner-Luminis-Message-Broker-for-Moodle

A plugin for Moodle to import Banner/Luminis Message Broker data
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Error while processing data on Moodle 3.9.2 with 3.8 tag #31

Closed ehandler closed 3 years ago

ehandler commented 3 years ago

We are only able to process about 10 of ~9000 enrollments via the plugin on our Moodle 3.9.2 + LAE instance (running 3.8 tag of this tool) before it errors out (and populates the enrollment_log with messages shown below). In testing on an instance running Moodle 3.5.14 + LAE running 3.4.1 tag of the Banner Luminis Message Broker we are able to process the same data files successfully. The enrollment plugins portion of site administration upon completion on that system shows 881 instances / 8548 enrollments in the Banner/Luminis section.

The error log (enrollment_log) is filled with "user not found" errors when processing faculty and student .xml files. I've edited the log down to fit into a free pastebin located here

Let me know what other information would be useful to investigate further/diagnose/etc.

Eric Handler Macalester College

ericmerrill commented 3 years ago

If you go to Site Admin > Users > Browse > Show more, and add a ID Number filter with some of those values, like 330 or 33066, do you find the user?

ehandler commented 3 years ago

No. The users are not present. That seems to imply the process that creates users from the xml data isn't working properly.

ericmerrill commented 3 years ago

Yeah. Take one of those users, and search in your XML file to find them. You should be able to search for a person record with <id>330</id>

ehandler commented 3 years ago

We've identified the issue. The sysadmin's computer that was used to populate the configuration auto-populated the email filter domain field with a full email address using its password management. I'm ashamed of us and closing the issue.

ericmerrill commented 3 years ago

Ha, no worries! Moodle always has issues with forum field fillers. Maybe I need to see about chaning that setting to one of the 'covered' fields.

ehandler commented 3 years ago

That would help with this particular issue!