erikaliang520 / base_KASE

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base_KASE Exploring APIS

Description of Problem Domain

In today's interconnected world where open access to the internet and travel have brought people from diverse cultures closer together, proper communication is more imperative than ever. Living in Canada, a melting pot of cultures, the ability to communicate in different languages is not just desirable, but essential to forster understanding and inclusivity. Recognizing the significance of proper communication in this global landscape, our team looks to contribute to the intersecting domain of accessibility and communication.

This project seeks to provide language translation access for users and our primary goal is to provide users with seamless language translation capabilities. Our application allows users to input text in one language and translates this text input into the desired language.

Moreover, this application will go a step further by incorporating a text-to-speech feature for translated words. This will enhance accessibility by providing and audio version of the translated text which is especially beneficial for individuals with visual impairments or who prefer auditory learning. Not only will this take steps to solve the language barrier between individuals but also provide audio assistance for individuals to learn and understand new languages.

This approach of our project not only seeks to break down language barriers but encourages language exploration and learning. By combining translation services with audio assistance, we aim to create a tool that can help individuals forster a deeper appreciation for linguistic diversity. Through our commitment to accessibility and communication, we strive to contribute to a more inclusive and connected world.

Description of Application

Our team is developing an application designed to bridge the communication gap between individuals who use sign language and those who do not. This application will serve as a interactive and engaging platform for learning and understanding sign language.

The core functionalities of the application:

The user interface will be designed to ensure accessibility and ease-of-use for all users. The application uses Google Cloud APIs such as their translation and text-to-speech APIs. The translation API will be used to provide swift on-the-spot translations of user text inputs in a variety of desired languages. The text-to-speech API will provide the text-to-speech audio of the translated output words using different language and accent bases.

Link to API Documentation

YouTube Data - Open AI -

Using Postman to Try Out YouTube API

Expected Results When Calling Code in Java

Postman Youtube API

Testing YouTube API on Google

Expected Results when Calling in Java

We sent a GET request to the Youtube Api server on postman, since we're requesting data on a search relevant to our filters.

We used GET for the use case list (by keyword). It needs access to our API key, and we used parameters and filters for: part = snippet max Results = 3 q = "ASL letter a"

The results return the max Result amount of youtube videos found using the search list API. It also includes attributes like potential video height/width sizes, video title, channel name, duration, etc.


Java Code Process and Technical Problems

Dependencies Run Successfully

Dependencies Success

Two Imports Still Fail after Clicking Invalidate and Restart Caches

2 imports failed - all other imports are working after we clicked invalidate and restart caches

To Solve Import Problem, We Tried to Reload and Refresh But was Unsuccessful

Reloading and refreshing wanting to solve import problem but it didn't work

Since Reloading and Refreshing was Unsuccessful, We Tried to Restart Build in Terminal but Also Unsuccessful

Refresh didn't work so tried to restart build in terminal - has something to do with not working

Java Code - When Running Java File, This is the Error that It Outputs

when you try to run java file - java code this is the error that it outputs