ern2150 / FVCR

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Evolution #17

Open ern2150 opened 2 years ago

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Looking back at what stuff was unique / didn't "survive" to the next year, and how mixtapes changed over the whole history of the stream. As always, the Codex has the straightforward history of these at in the "Tapes Order" tab.


Debuts, Repeats, Retirements, Recycling

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Single digits / Aughts / 00s (2019 debuts, 2020 individual airings, 2021 absorbed by MegaMixes)

The earliest mixtapes that were still considered "watchable" in 2020 were no longer broadcast in their individual form in 2021. Instead, they were absorbed in MegaMixes, with the first MegaMix to incorporate more than one mixtape explicitly, MM2, starting in Feb 2021.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
7 Damn You, Blue Mask (See MM2) 11/8/2020 11/3/2019 92
8 You're Not a Ninja, You Can't Use the Beans (See MM2) 11/8/2020 11/7/2019 (Th) 87
9 I Know What It Takes To Be Invincible (See MM2 and MM3) 11/8/2020 11/10/2019 92
6 I Don't Like Love, 'Cause I Love You (See MM3) 11/12/2020 10/27/2019 90

Here are the 2019 named-but-"retired" mixtapes outside of the "watchable" ones above:

That's 7 mixtapes before mixtape 6. You could discount 7/11 "Ultra Rando" / "One Thousand Slaps" as a Pilot or Mixtape Zero, and you could classify the named 120 Min Mix "Confrontational Ninjas" / "Let's Show Our Powerful Stance" as a "special", since there's one of a matching length 9/19 that isn't named. That could make it "fit", but it's almost more fun that it doesn't :)

None of these were broadcast in 2020 or beyond (as far as I can tell), and their entries in the Archive disappeared sometime in early 2020.

*(there's a tweet about a random 90 minute mix 7/11/2019, and its title "One Thousand Slaps" is advertised as a repeat in a tweet 7/14/2019 as well as 8/23/2019)

**(renamed "Let's Show Our Powerful Stance" by 12/5/2019)

***(renamed "You Are a Ninja, Aren't You?" by 12/24/2019)

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Teens / 10s (2019-2020 debuts, 2020 individual airings, 2021 absorbed by MegaMixes)

There used to be a Mixtape 10: Everything at Once. There also used to be an End of 2019 mixtape. At some point they sort of merged. It was shown occasionally during 2020, but then it became the first MegaMix and got renamed Get Rich Regardless of the Means in January 2021. The mixtapes from 11-19, just like 1-9, also have gaps in terms of being "watchable". 13, 16, and 18 effectively no longer exist, though 16 is still in the archive. The only Mixtape in this range that was broadcast in its individual form in 2021 was 11: I'm a Winner, and only once in January, before being absorbed by a MegaMix. Mixtapes 12, 15, and 17 were also absorbed by MegaMixes, so their best footage survives into 2021. What's left over? Mixtape 19 and 14. Mixtape 19 is a fun oddity - "only Intros", and if you're looking to associate clips in other mixtapes with their source movies, it's a kind of Rosetta Stone as you can see the title on-screen as well as some initial moments that clue you into actors and palettes you find elsewhere. But as with many of the mixtapes that were eventually considered not "watchable", the edits aren't as frequent and fast, and the title cards can unfortunately break up any narrative you're trying to build. Mixtape 14 has some outliers in terms of duration including the infamous Adelic Penguins, and some long stretches of the lurid Born a Ninja. But otherwise it is a normal mixtape, and interesting because of its omission from explicit mentions in MegaMixes.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
13 A Bizarre Contest to Prove Your Courage (retired) 1/5/2020 12/1/2019 94
16 Surprised You're Still Alive (See Archive, retired) 4/14/2020 12/22/2019 88
10 Everything at Once (See MM1) 6/28/2020 11/14/2019 (Th) 123
18 Sorry to Disturb Your Sunday (retired) 7/23/2020 1/5/2020 79
19 EZ Movie Intro Vortex 8/20/2020 1/14/2020 (Tu) 85
14 And I'll Revenge Their Deaths 9/15/2020 12/8/2019 84
15 We'll Blow You Up Next (See MM4) 11/22/2020 12/15/2019 89
17 Don't Come to Me with Tales of Failure (See MM4) 12/1/2020 12/29/2019 81
12 Defend Yourself (See MM5) 12/10/2020 11/24/2019 87
11 I'm a Winner (See MM5) 1/21/2021 11/19/2019 (Tu) 90
ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Twenties / 20s (2020 debuts, 2021 individual airings, 2021 absorbed by MegaMixes)

All of the Mixtapes 20-29 were shown in their individual form in 2021, but only in the first half of the year. Most were absorbed by MegaMixes, except (so far) 24, 25, and 27. Other than being mined for Halloween content, there's no obvious reason (other than time) for their exclusion from MegaMixes thus far.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
22 By Tonight, You'll Be History (See MM6) 1/5/2021 2/2/2020 84
24 A Conspiracy of Ninjas and Vampires 1/7/2021 2/16/2020 79
21 Enlightenment Isn't Serious (See MM6) 1/19/2021 1/26/2020 84
23 Dangerous and ColdBlooded (See MM6) 1/26/2021 2/11/2020 (Tu) 85
29 No Wonder You're So Brave (See MM8) 2/4/2021 3/22/2020 64
28 Forget about Luck (See MM8) 2/18/2021 3/15/2020 68
20 Cheap Thug in a Dirty Racket (see MM11) 2/21/2021 1/19/2020 83
25 Everyone Is a Suspect 2/25/2021 2/23/2020 76
27 Open the Strange Realm 4/25/2021 3/8/2020 72
26 Cannot Stop to Feel (see MM12) 5/9/2021 3/3/2020 (Tu) 71
ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Thirties / 30s (2020 debuts, 2021 individual airings, 2021 absorbed by MegaMixes)

Most Mixtapes 30-39 were shown in their individual form in the first half of 2021 and were absorbed by MegaMixes. The only exception is 33: Why Do You Challenge Us, and there's no obvious reason other than that it hasn't happened yet.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
33 Why Do You Challenge Us? 12/20/2020 5/3/2020 69
31 Magic Hand (See MM7) 1/24/2021 4/12/2020 69
30 Don't Be a Big Shot (See MM8) 2/16/2021 4/5/2020 62
32 Destroy the Indestructible (see MM10) 4/8/2021 4/26/2020 68
36 Something Missing in Your Head (see MM10) 4/22/2021 5/26/2020 (Tu) 63
38 What's Wrong with You? (see MM11) 5/2/2021 6/7/2020 62
34 Mind Games (see MM11) 5/4/2021 5/10/2020 64
35 Imagination Creates Reality (see MM12) 5/25/2021 5/17/2020 56
37 Monster Rage Ball (see MM12) 6/8/2021 5/31/2020 59
39 The Kids Became Normal Again (see MM13) 7/1/2021 6/16/2020 (Tu) 59
ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Forties / 40s (2020 debuts, 2021 individual airings, 2021 absorbed by MegaMixes)

Mixtapes in this range are the newest to be mined for MegaMixes. Though it hasn't happened yet, it's been stated that this does not prevent them (and mixtapes from other "decades") from being broadcast in their individual form.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
43 This Will to Kill (see MM10) 3/14/2021 7/23/2020 (Th) 54
45 Cheer of Love (see MM9) 4/11/2021 8/9/2020 54
44 Fighting Warriors Be Alert (see MM9) 4/27/2021 8/2/2020 61
42 Go and Destroy the Enemy Forever 6/17/2021 7/9/2020 (Th) 50
46 We Smile Because We Are Alive 6/22/2021 8/20/2020 (Th) 58
40 Is There No End of It? (see MM13) 7/4/2021 6/23/2020 (Tu) 57
41 You Bastards are from the 30th Century? 7/8/2021 6/30/2020 (Tu) 57
47 Put Yourself in the Universe (see MM14) 7/25/2021 9/13/2020 56
48 Same Deal Next Time (see MM14) 8/5/2021 9/20/2020 62
49 Despise the Dark 2020 Halloween vol 2 10/06/2022^ 10/3/2021 10/11/2020 60

^this would normally preclude it from appearing in an "Evolution" article, which is designed to highlight things that don't air in their original form anymore, but it was such a rare treat that it deserves mention here as well.

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Other / Special tapes (2019-2021 debuts, 2020-2021 individual airings, 2020-2021 superseded, 2021 absorbed by MegaMix)

End of 2019 was mentioned above, and the latest of the 40s is also a Halloween tape from 2020. There are tapes similar to these, but just different enough, that don't fit the generic mould of Numbered Mixtape. Each have their own reasons. In some cases, if a newer tape is in the same spirit as a similar tape from a prior year, I say that it supersedes the older tape ("I must have ... a successor").

Halloween tapes

Late 2019 is when the mixtapes gained their numbering system, which was close enough to Halloween to make a distinction between that holiday's special broadcasts and the "usual" mixtapes that tend to end with "Greatest Sports Legends / Starglide." When Halloween 2020 approached, the plan was to debut 3 special Halloween tapes in October and then play them as a marathon to close out the season. Some of these 2020 tapes re-used footage from the 2019 specials, including Pagan Invasion and the Satanic Calendar. The middle tape, "Despise the Dark" worked well enough as a usual mixtape that it gained a spot in the 40s, and therefore is the only one of these to air in its individual / non-superseded form in 2021.

CRY-d TINGle most recent SCARing DEADbut MEANutes
  Hollowing Out (2019 Halloween) 10/29/2019 10/3/2019 (Th) 90
  Hallowed Out (2020 Halloween Vol 1) 11/1/2020 10/4/2020 51
  Evil Is Excusable (2020 Halloween Vol 3) 11/1/2020 10/27/2020 (Tu) 30

Best-of tapes, virtual and Physical VHS

End of 2019 and End of 2020 were both intended as a sort of compilation of the best footage from those years, but each had their own twist on that concept. End of 2019 was focused on music videos. End of 2020 was focused on, appropriately, Endings (which usually involves death).
There were three, shorter (under an hour) compilations of the Best moments from the stream that were available outside a normal broadcast. Two of these were made for another broadcaster, socpens, to air during their stream. One at the end of 2020 titled "Easy Movie VHS Mixtape Sampler" (later uploaded to YouTube), and one at the end of May 2021 (no real title, but ends in the musical phrase "Summertime" which later became its own mixtape title). The third wasn't broadcast at all because... ...there was a Physical VHS made! Something that everyone had clamored for and seemed appropriate was a real, physical VHS containing a mixtape that had sources from other real, physical VHS tapes! Named "Money, Love, and Power", it had some footage from the "Mixtape Sampler", and added some of the best footage from mixtapes up til its pressing in May (eventually this was uploaded to a paywalled archive separate from FVCR's archive). As part of the 3-year anniversary, this aired in 2022 during the normal stream!^

id title most recent airing debut minutes
  End of 2019 1/1/2020 1/1/2020 (Wednesday) 30
  Easy Movie VHS Mixtape Sampler 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 (Th) 26
  End of 2020 5/2/2021 12/31/2020 (Th) 76
  Summertime Sampler 5/29/2021 5/29/2021 (Saturday) 31
  Money, Love, and Power 07/14/2022^ 6/22/2021 (1st edition purchase date) (Tu) / 8/19/2021 (2nd ed purch date) 48

Video Beam and Forced Stereo

Video Beam was created as a palate cleanser before moving on to the 30s, and was absorbed in a MegaMix after its last individual broadcast in February 2021. Forced Stereo has its own backstory but is basically a marathon of music videos that usually play before a mixtape at the beginning of a broadcast. I'm including the previous Forced Stereo versions' information here, even though I usually remove those for superseded tapes from the main broadcast page.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
  Forced Stereo Volume 1 7/19/2020 7/16/2020 (Th) 30
  Forced Stereo Deluxe 10/1/2020 8/27/2020 (Th) 45
  Video Beam Volume 1 (See MM7) 2/14/2021 3/29/2020 59
  Forced Stereo Championship 4/1/2021 4/1/2021 (Th) 99

^this would normally preclude it from appearing in an "Evolution" article, which is designed to highlight things that don't air in their original form anymore, but it was such a rare treat that it deserves mention here as well. If it becomes part of the usual 2-month rotation I can still keep the mention here for the physical edition.

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Fifties / 50s (2020-2021 debuts, 2021 individual airings, 2021-2022 absorbed by MegaMixes)

Mixtapes in this range debuted after Halloween 2020 up through Feb 2021, were part of the 2-month rotation in 2021, and most were mined for MegaMixes.

id title most recent airing debut minutes
52 Let You Through to Hell (see MM15) 8/8/2021 12/13/2020 58
59 Now the Fun Begins (see MM15) 8/10/2021 2/14/2021 57
51 Money, Power, and Position (see MM16) 9/21/2021 12/6/2020 61
56 Everyone Has Got to Live, Even Thieves (see MM16) 9/23/2021 1/24/2021 55
58 Why Do You Help the Evil Person? (see MM16) 9/28/2021 2/7/2021 51
54 Sounds Like the Devil (See MM17) 10/28/2021 1/10/2021 60
50 The Awesome Powers of Destruction You Possess 11/11/2021 11/15/2020 63
53 The True Form of His Brains 11/25/2021 12/27/2020 58
57 Is There No Justice Anymore? (see MM18) 11/25/2021 2/2/2021 58
55 I Had a Heart Once (see MM19) 12/28/2021 1/17/2021 61
ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Silly Stats

This is stuff that is extrapolated from airings, but isn't necessarily intentional, nor is it meant to be a criticism.

There are multiple things to measure so each will get its own section.

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

New Tape Days


When it all began, there were no rules. 120 minute themed mixes had evolved from full-EP (at least 6 hour) tapes being played remotely. 90 minute mixes started in earnest 7/11/2019 with "Ultra Rando Mix" (later "One Thousand Slaps"), and on 12/29/2019 the last new 90 minute mix of 2019 was Mixtape 17: "Don't Come to Me with Tales of Failure." That's 8 "retired" mixtapes and 10 "watchable"* mixtapes in 24 weeks, but there was also a new 90 minute Halloween Special on 10/3/2019, and two new 120 minute themed mixes: "Confrontational Ninjas / Let's Show Our Powerful Stance" on 10/8/2019, and an unnamed Late 80s Japanese Television one 9/19/2019!

Shortest Interval: 3 days!

11/7/2019 Debuted Mixtape 8 - 11/10/2019 Debuted Mixtape 9

Longest Interval: 7 days-52 days**

Once the "watchable" mixtapes start, there's really not an interval longer than the Usual Week.

**7/11/2019 Debuted 90 Min "Ultra Rando Mix" - 9/1/2019 Debuted 90 Min "Sun Is Always Shining on TV"

Usual: Weekly, Sundays

There were 6 times between 7/11/2019 and 12/29/2019 when two New Things were a Week Apart, and 12 more where the interval was less, so most of that time you'd get something new every week. Most of the time (11 times) that was a Sunday. Thursday debuts (7 times) were more common for the now-"retired" mixtapes, but the Halloween and Best Of Specials were on that day, as well as one of the shorter intervals between Mixtapes 7 and 8 (which is why 9 was scared and showed up even earlier).

Total: 11*-21 New Tape Days

Between 7/11 and the end of 2019, 21 New Tapes were premiered, which is 21 New Tape Days in 24 weeks! The 2019 Halloween Special premiered 10/3 and then Mixtape 6 premiered 10/27, so until the end of 2019, 11 "watchable"* (in retrospect) mixtapes were premiered, which is 11 New Tape Days in 13 weeks!

*(see the 00s and 10s sections for retired/watchable-ness)


The year started at midnight 1/1/2020 with a 30 minute retrospective of the best music videos from mixtapes in 2019. The year ended at midnight 12/31/2020 after debuting both an End of 2020 76 minute retrospective AND a 26 minute Easy Movie VHS Mixtape Sampler. Mixtape 18 (later named by chat as "Sorry to Disturb Your Sunday") debuted on 1/5/2020. The last new numbered Mixtape of the year was 53: "The True Form of His Brains" on 12/27/2020. That's 35 "official" mixtapes in 52 weeks, but there were also 2 additional new Halloween Specials, 3 best-ofs, and 3 palate cleansers!

Shortest Interval: 0 days?! - 5 days

Longest Interval: 21 days

11/15/2020 Debuted Mixtape 50: "The Awesome Power of Destruction You Possess" - 12/6/2020 Debuted Mixtape 51: "Money, Power, and Position"

Usual: Weekly, Sundays

There were 23 times in 2020 where two New things were a Week Apart, and 7 more where the interval was less, so a majority of the year you'd get something new every week. Most of the time (28 times) that was a Sunday. Tuesday debuts (8-9 times depending on if you count New Years' Wednesday by extension) tended to happen when a Sunday premiere was intended but disturbed (sorry). Thursday debuts (5-7 times depending on how you count New Years' Eve) were rare overall, but more frequent in July and August for some reason.

Total: 43 New Tape Days

Throughout 2020, 44 New Tapes premiered! Two of those were on the same day (New Years' Eve), One was technically part of a 2019 broadcast (New Years' Day), 5 of them were Specials, and 1 was "retired" fairly quickly after broadcast (Mixtape 18). That's 43 New Tape Days in 52 weeks!


"Get Rich Regardless of the Means" began on 1/3/2021 by taking the existing "Everything at Once" compilation and editing it down to 70ish minutes. This was a way to keep older footage alive without sacrificing pacing or timing, and became the template for the Megamixes. The first "new" mixtape, 54 debuted 1/10/2021 as "Sounds Like the Devil." The last numbered mixtape of the year was 77, "Ninja City", on 11/28/2021. The last new Megamix, "Today We Shall Kill Each Other", comprising of (at least) clips from mixtapes 54 and 60, debuted 12/21/2021. The year ended with the second socpens-exclusive mini-mixtape of the year, a 30-minute compilation of the best moments of the stream to date. By the end of the year, there were 23 numbered mixtapes, 17 Megamixes, a Forced Stereo marathon, 2 non-numbered Halloween specials, the New Year's special, the Summertime Sampler, and the Money, Love, and Power VHS!

Shortest Interval: 0/2/3 days!

Longest Interval: 21 days

Usual: Weekly, Sundays

There were 13 times a new mixtape debuted exactly a week after the last one, but even more times (16) where the interval was less. Again, the majority of the year, you'd get a new mixtape within a week. Most of the times (30) that was a Sunday. Both the socpens specials were on non-usual stream days (Saturday for Summertime, Friday for New Year's). Numbered mixtapes debuted on non-Sundays multiple times as well as Megamixes, which several times meant a Sunday was technically a repeat (but got more viewers).

Total: 46 New Tape Days

Throughout 2021, 47 New Tapes premiered! 23 numbered mixtapes, 17 megamixes, and 7 specials were released. This is more or less ignoring the multiple new music video intros (some of which fed Forced Stereo Championship) that popped into the rotation month after month, which would probably mean that there was an average of something new every week in 2021.

ern2150 commented 2 years ago

Length of (New) Mixtape


(For sake of sanity we'll only consider the "watchable" mixtapes from here on out)

Shortest: 81 minutes

Mixtape 17 was the last new creation broadcast in that year, so it makes some sense that it's shorter than all the previous entries.

Longest: 123 minutes

Mixtape 10 was designed to be a compilation, so it's natural that it's the longest.

Usual: 90-ish minutes?

Out of the 10 mixes, no two are the same runtime (but Blue Mask and Invincible hover around 92 minutes), but these early ones were designed to be around 90 minutes to begin with.

Trend: Steady

Shortest and Longest are really the only anomalies.

Total: 16 hr 45 min

Since any given mixtape is a compilation by nature, the re-use of footage between them shouldn't count against silly statistics like these. Even if it did, it would take some kind of irresponsible guess or an entire calendar year of meticulous analysis to calculate the amount of unique footage for a given year. 10 mixtapes that average 90 minutes plus around 120 in "Everything at Once" gets you around 1005 minutes.


Shortest: 26 minutes?-50 minutes

Easy Movie VHS Mixtape Sampler is the shortest, but it's Special and wasn't streamed from the home channel. Various other short Specials are between 30-45 minutes, but the shortest Mixtape is 42: "Go and Destroy the Enemy Forever" at 50 minutes (coincidentally the shortest Mixtape up to that point).

Longest: 85 minutes

Two mixtapes qualify - 19: "EZ Movie Intro Vortex" and 23: "Dangerous and Coldblooded".

Usual: 60-ish minutes?

Mixtapes that clock in at 58, 59, and 62 minutes each have 3 examples, and there's 4 in between those lengths as well.

Trend: Shortening in the first half, then hovering around usual

The Codex does a great job of organizing mixtapes into themes and seasons. Mixtapes up until its defined break of Season 2 in early March start at 80+ minutes and drop at the break to 70+ minutes. They then shorten until the middle of the year to around 60+ minutes. The rest of the year they hover around that 60 minute mark.

Total: 45 hr 17 min

44 New Tapes across 2717 minutes averages out to a little over an hour. The amount of longer mixes in the beginning of the year and shorter specials throughout didn't shift the balance too far away from the usual.


Shortest: 30-ish minutes - 48-ish minutes

The New Year's tape was just under 30 minutes. The Summertime Sampler was close to that length, and the VHS release was close to 47 minutes. The Halloween specials are usually short, that year's shortest being Evil Is Excusable at around 45 minutes. The shortest numbered mixtape, however, was 75 "Never Show Emotion" at around 48 minutes.

Longest: 64 minutes - 70 minutes

As stated elsewhere, the first Megamix is nearly 70 minutes. Other megamixes were longer than an hour, but the longest numbered mixtape was 69 "Summertime." Nice.

Usual: 55 minutes

Numbered mixtapes were the majority but had wide variances in length, averaging out to 55 minutes. 5 were around 53 minutes, and 3 were around 48 minutes, but several were over an hour. Non-numbered mixtapes, including specials, also had wide variances, with 4 Megamixes around 58 minutes, and 6 over an hour (also Megamixes), averaging out to around 57 minutes.

Trend: Shorter overall, but mostly at the end of the year

Most of the numbered mixtapes are less than an hour, and by the end of the year less than 50 minutes. Non-numbered mixtapes have no real length patterns, including the Megamixes.

Total: 43-ish hr

This factors in the 41 hr 23 minutes from mixtapes, samplers, and VHS, as well as the 100 minutes from Forced Stereo Championship. This number might be revisited to include the new music video intros at some future point.