erskinedesign / ed.imageresizer.ee2_addon

EE2+ Version of the ED ImageResizer. Resizes, crops and caches images on the fly.
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h1. ED Image resizer for ExpressionEngine 2.x

Resize images on the fly

h2. Installation

Copy pi.ed_imageresizer.php to @system/expressionengine/third_party/ed_imageresizer/@

Add path variables to your config at @system/expressionengine/config/config.php@:

bc. $config['ed_server_path'] = '/var/www/html/'; // Server path to your site's web root $config['ed_cache_path'] = '/var/www/html/media/images/resizer_cache/'; // Server path to where your resized images should be stored

h2. Usage

h3. Parameters

h3. Usage example

bc. {exp:ed_imageresizer image="{my_image_field}" default="/images/site/default_image.png" maxWidth="100" cropratio="100:120" class="my_class" alt="Image description" grayscale="yes" }

Would then output the following:

bc. Image description