esandoe / campster

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Campster is a camping/hike planning tool, currently focused on making packing lists easy, including shared supply targets!

Nadeshiko eating cup ramen

Getting started

This is an agile project which means the project will iterate and evolve along with the users needs. Hence, it has a backend/ and a client/. Anyways, here's how to get the project running locally!




Running the backend 🐍πŸ–₯

Navigate to the backend, create a python venv, activate the venv, install dependencies in said venv


cd backend &&
python -m venv .campsterenv &&
.campsterenv/Scripts/Activate.ps1 &&
pip install -r requirements.txt


cd backend &&
python3.12 -m venv .campsterenv &&
source .campsterenv/bin/activate &&
pip install -r requirements.txt

If it completes successfully, you can now run the server!

flask run --reload

See also Migrations for how to perform database migrations.

Running the client πŸŒπŸ“±

You might want to open a new terminal for this? idk.

Anyway, assuming you're at the project root again, navigate to the frontend and install the project dependencies

npm install

If it completes successfully, you can now run the client!

npm run dev