Describe the bug
The "couple in" for PISM fails on Ollie with this error:
Output written by slurm:
Module for cmake version 3.22.0 loaded
Module for udunits version 2.2.26 loaded
Module for grib_api version 1.28.0 loaded.
Module for Intel Compiler and Libraries, ifort, icc, icpc; mkl, ipp, tbb,... version 2018.5.274 loaded.
Module for hdf5 version 1.10.2_gnu loaded
Module for centoslibs version 7.5 loaded.
Module for cdo version 2.0.5 loaded
Module for nco version 4.7.7 loaded
Please add >module load centoslibs<, if you are on a compute node to get all libraries.
Module for netcdf version 4.6.2_intel_18.0.5 loaded
Module for automake version 1.16.2 loaded
Module for Python 3.7 from Intel Parallel Studio 2020.2.902 loaded
Module for git, git version 2.13.1 loaded.
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) cmake/3.22.0 3) gribapi/1.28.0 5) hdf5/1.10.2_gnu 7) cdo/2.0.5(default) 9) netcdf/4.6.2_intel 11) python3/3.7.7_intel2020u2(default)
2) udunits/2.2.26 4) intel.compiler/18.0.5(default) 6) centoslibs/7.5(default) 8) nco/4.7.7(default) 10) automake/1.16.2 12) git/2.13.1
Module for impi, version 2018.4.274 loaded.
ERROR: Directory '~dbarbi/modulefiles' not found
Module for Intel Compiler and Libraries, ifort, icc, icpc; mkl, ipp, tbb,... version 2017.1.132 loaded.
Module for impi, version 2017 loaded.
Module for Python 2.7 from Intel Parallel Studio 2017 loaded
For osgeo, please add: module load gdal/2.1.1
Module for pism_externals version 0.7.x_intel_impi loaded
Module for proj version 5.1.0 loaded
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: Unable to get the locale encoding
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'
Current thread 0x00002b3bec91c540 (most recent call first):
./115.25ka_3koffset_couple_in_506400101-506491231.sad: line 108: 189357 Aborted (core dumped) esm_runscripts awiesm_pism.yaml -e 115.25ka_3koffset -t observe_couple_in -p ${process} -s 506400101 -r 103 -v --open-run
I am not sure since when "~dbarbi/modulefiles" are not available anymore. Maybe it is related to this?
I have run this setup for several 100 years and didn't change anything in the esm_tools or runscripts.
System (please complete the following information):
Here is the path to the experiment: /work/ollie/lackerma/PalModII/experiments/115.25ka_3koffset
EDIT: pism standalone runs but stops after each year without any clear reason (at least for me):
Describe the bug The "couple in" for PISM fails on Ollie with this error:
I am not sure since when "~dbarbi/modulefiles" are not available anymore. Maybe it is related to this?
I have run this setup for several 100 years and didn't change anything in the esm_tools or runscripts.
System (please complete the following information):
Here is the path to the experiment: /work/ollie/lackerma/PalModII/experiments/115.25ka_3koffset
EDIT: pism standalone runs but stops after each year without any clear reason (at least for me):