esonghori / TinyGarble

TinyGarble: Logic Synthesis and Sequential Descriptions for Yao's Garbled Circuits
GNU General Public License v3.0
119 stars 29 forks source link
circuit-description garbled-circuits security-protocol verilog

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TinyGarble is a full implementation of Yao's Garbled Circuit (GC) protocol for two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) in which the parties are able to execute any function on their private inputs and learn the output without leaking any information about their inputs. This repository consists of two main parts: (1) circuit synthesis (output examples of this is stored in scd/netlist/ and will be unzipped and translated in bin/scd/netlist/ after make) and (2) secure function evaluation. Circuit synthesis is partially described in TinyGarble paper in IEEE S&P'15 (see References). It is based on upon hardware synthesis and sequential circuit concept and outputs a netlist Verilog (.v) file (not included in this repository). The other part of TinyGarble, hereafter called "TinyGarble", is a GC framework implemented based on JustGarble project. Beside Free-XOR, Row-reduction, OT extension, and Fixed-key block cipher, TinyGarble includes Half Gates which is the most recent optimization on GC protocol and reduces the communication by 33%. TinyGarble also includes communication and Oblivious Transfer (OT) which were missing in JustGarble. Note that OT is a crucial part for the security of the GC protocol.

TinyGarble general flow:

  1. Write a Verilog file (.v) describing the function.
  2. Synthesis the Verilog file using TinyGarble's circuit synthesis to generate a netlist Verilog file (.v).
  3. Translate the netlist file (.v) to a simple circuit description file (SCD) using TinyGarble's V2SCD_Main and then provide both parties with the file. (We have done steps 1-3 for a number of functions, and you can find their scd files after compiling in bin/scd/netlists/.)
  4. Execute TinyGarble using --alice flag on one party and --bob flag on the other plus other appropriate arguments.



Install dependencies: g++, OpenSSL (1.0.1f <), boost(1.55.0 <), and cmake (3.1.0 <). On Ubuntu:


Configure TinyGarble and then compile it in bin directory (for debug mode, use cmake .. inside bin directory before make):

  $ ./configure
  $ cd bin
  $ make

Run an example

For finding Hamming distance between two 32-bit private inputs (e.g., Alice: FF55AA77, Bob: 12345678), on Alice's terminal, run:

  $ bin/garbled_circuit/TinyGarble --alice --scd_file bin/scd/netlists/hamming_32bit_1cc.scd --input FF55AA77

And on Bob's terminal, run:

  $ bin/garbled_circuit/TinyGarble --bob --scd_file bin/scd/netlists/hamming_32bit_1cc.scd --input 12345678

Note that, it is supposed that Alice and Bob are in a same mahcine (server_ip = in this example. The expected output is 13 in hexadecimal which is the hamming distance between the two numbers. For showing more detailes, you may use --log2std option.


In bin directory call ctest:

    $ ctest -V


Main binary

* `garbled_circuit/TinyGarble`: TinyGarble main binary:

-h [ --help ] produce help message -a [ --alice ] Run as Alice (server). -b [ --bob ] Run as Bob (client). -i [ --scd_file ] Simple circuit description (.scd) file address. -p [ --port ] arg (=1234) socket port -s [ --server_ip ] arg (= Server's (Alice's) IP, required when running as Bob. --init arg (=0) Hexadecimal init for initializing DFFs. --input arg (=0) Hexadecimal input. --clock_cycles arg (=1) Number of clock cycles to evaluate the circuit. --dump_directory arg Directory for dumping memory hex files. --disable_OT Disable Oblivious Transfer (OT) for transferring labels. WARNING: OT is crucial for GC security. --low_mem_foot Enables low memory footprint mode for circuits with multiple clock cycles. In this mode, OT is called at each clock cycle which degrades the performance. --output_mask arg (=0) Hexadecimal mask for output. 0 indicates that output belongs to Bob, and 1 belongs to Alice. --output_mode arg (=0) 0: normal, 1:separated by clock 2:last clock.

#### Other binary
* `scd/SCD_Evaluator_Main`: Evaluating a simple circuit description (`.scd`) file:

-h [ --help ] produce help message -i [ --scd_file ] scd address --clock_cycles arg (=1) Number of clock cycles to evaluate the circuit. --g_init arg (=0) g_init in hexadecimal. --e_init arg (=0) e_init in hexadecimal. --g_input arg (=5) g_input in hexadecimal. --e_input arg (=4) e_input in hexadecimal. --output_mode arg (=0) 0: normal, 1:separated by clock 2:last clock.

* `crypto/OT_Main`: Oblivious Transfer binary:

-h [ --help ] produce help message -a [ --alice ] Run as Alice (server). --message0 arg (=15141312_11100908_07060504_03020100) Alice's 128-bit message 0 in hexadecimal w/o '0x'. --message1 arg (=00010203_04050607_08091011_12131415) Alice's 128-bit message 1 in hexadecimal w/o '0x'. --select arg (=0) Bob's 1-bit selection (0/1). -b [ --bob ] Run as Bob (client). -p [ --port ] arg (=1234) socket port -s [ --server_ip ] arg (= Server's (Alice's) IP, required when running as Bob.

#### Test binary
1. `Util_Test`
2. `TCPIP_Test`
3. `BN_Test`
4. `OT_Test`
5. `OT_Extension_Test`
6. `SCD_Evaluator_Test`
7. `Garbled_Circuit_Test`

## References
- Ebrahim M. Songhori, Siam U. Hussain, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider
and Farinaz Koushanfar, ["TinyGarble: Highly Compressed and Scalable Sequential
Garbled Circuits."]( <i>Security
and Privacy, 2015 IEEE Symposium on</i> May, 2015.
- Mihir Bellare, Viet Tung Hoang, Sriram Keelveedhi, and Phillip Rogaway.
Efficient garbling from a fixed-key blockcipher. In <i>S&P</i>, pages 478–492.
IEEE, 2013.
- Samee Zahur, Mike Rosulek, and David Evans. ["Two halves make a whole:
Reducing data transfer in garbled circuits using half
In <i>Eurocrypt, 2015</i>.
- G. Asharov, Y. Lindell, T. Schneider and M. Zohner: More Efficient Oblivious
Transfer and Extensions for Faster Secure Computation In <i>CCS'13</i>.