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Unable to use ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload #5936

Closed mikekgr closed 4 years ago

mikekgr commented 5 years ago

Basic Infos


Settings in IDE

Problem Description

Detailed problem description goes here.

Impossible to use Tools => ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload almost immediately I got the error: SPIFFS Error: esptool not found!

Arduino: 1.8.8 (Windows 7), Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled, nodemcu, 26 MHz, 40MHz, QIO (fast), 4M (1M SPIFFS), 2, nonos-sdk 2.2.2-190313 (testing), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

SPIFFS Error: esptool not found!

Please help me to solve the problem.

Thanks and Best Regards, Mike Kranidis

earlephilhower commented 5 years ago

You need to update the uploader. There is an open but to update the discs and shows where you can download the new version.

mikekgr commented 5 years ago

You need to update the uploader. There is an open but to update the discs and shows where you can download the new version.

Dear @earlephilhower Thanks a lot for your reply. I am not sure that I understood what I need to do and how can update the things. Can you give me more details?


Jeroen88 commented 5 years ago

@earlephilhower I have the same issue. I have updated the updater to the .py version.I also did a git submodule update --init. I suspect that the filename checking in the data upload java source is not compliant with the changed updater, but I am not familiar enough with java to do a PR. Could you take a look?

mikekgr commented 5 years ago

after having checked I found this thread:

where this zip is working for me:


Craig1516 commented 5 years ago

@ earlephilhower and @ mikekgr: Congratulations (mike) and thanks for the zip (Mike and Earl). So are you using the Sketch Data Upload from the Arduino IDE menu Tools/ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload? I have included the esp8266.jar file in the Arduino file structure (found through "File/Preferences/Sketchbook". I have a new Arduino load (1.8.9) today. And I've got nothing for a menu selection to invoke Sketch Data Upload. I had this all working yesterday, but updated ArduinoIDE today... all gone. Thanks.

mikekgr commented 5 years ago

Dear @Craig1516, I use Arduino 1.8.8 ( Windows 7 OS ) and I have the proper menu for Sketch Data Upload. If you don't check that the relevant jar file is copied to the correct path. If did all perfect and still no Sketch Data Upload menu then perhaps something wrong with Arduino 1.8.9 ? Check them all and report back.

Craig1516 commented 5 years ago

Dear @mikekgr, There were two paths for me:

  1. C:\Users\Craig\Documents\Arduino\ESP8266FS\tool\esp8266fs.jar
  2. C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\ESP8266FS\tool\esp8266fs.jar

I tried both in 1.8.9, but nothing is there... or I'm looking in the wrong places. So easy befoe as Sketch Data Upload would just jump on the menu bar and I'd forget about it. Well now I've got a SPIFFS file that needs to be managed.

Maybe I slide back to a 1.86 or 1.84 to see how it goes? Perhaps? Thanks for commenting.

Craig1516 commented 5 years ago

@mikekgr I did find that in Arduino 1.8.9 that a sketch is able to build a json file. I can't remember exactly but I don't think this ability existed in 1.8.1 as any sketch that was looking for a json file just would not compile. So maybe now with 1.8.9 and dependent library updates, Sketch Data Upload is considered obsolete. I've spent days looking. So for the benefit of others I leave this comment. Thx.

4/12/19 Edit: Here is what worked for me: I placed the esp8266fs.jar file provided by @earlephilhower in my directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\tools\ESP8266FS\tool after creating that directory. The directory I mentioned above was missing \tools\ segment. Turns out to be important. It appears the discussion in this thread is Linux based - I don't know that environment as I'm a Windows weeny. Hope this helps others with Arduino IDE upgrades!

earlephilhower commented 5 years ago

The uploader .java file is present now in the esp8266fs release web page.

@Jeroen88 you'll need to do

git submodule init
git submodule update

The init alone just makes an empty directory, while the update will fetch from the separate tools' repositories into the build tree.

Jeroen88 commented 5 years ago

@earlephilhower That did not work. I did the init & update but still:

SPIFFS Error: esptool not found!

I did a fresh install of the core 10 days ago or so. I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.7. In the tools menu the item 'ESP8266 Data Upload' is present. I am using board 'NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module)', 4M (1M SPIFFS).

Uploading a sketch is no problem, so the ESP tool is present in the right directory.

Any ideas?

Pilooz commented 5 years ago

Hi, I don't know if that could help, but, I faced the problem of SPIFFS Error: esptool not found!with Arduino IDE 1.8.9. My version of esp8266fs.jar was compiled in January the 12 (this is the 0.2.0 version I thinks) but was not working. As @mikekgr said above, I replace my version by this one : and restart Arduino IDE. And... All is working now.

Environnement :

- Arduino IDE 1.8.9
- Flash Size : 4M (3M SPIFFS)
- version of SPIFFS uploader tool :

Hope this helps

HristoTraykov18 commented 5 years ago


in Arduino IDE 1.8.9, installing the 0.4.0 esp8266fs plugin version (the way it's instructed in the documentation) fixed it for me.

Hope that helps someone

chuck71 commented 5 years ago

I had the same issue, but after couple miserable days trying to figure out, I can conlude that Arduino IDE 1.8.9 works perfectly fine only with esp8266fs plug ins version 0.4.0

BOBILLIER commented 5 years ago

Hi. I can't download any files to my ESP8266 spiffs memory . I have same configuration than chuck71, but i working with esp8266-12 (4M-3M SPIFFS). I program it , with simple USB-Serial bridge with just TX and RX line (no hand-check signals). Normally it's enough for download sketch, but i'm not sure it's enough for esp8266fs.jar. Error Message:

[SPIFFS] data : C:\Users\bobiller\Documents\Arduino\Test\Test_FTPServer_Dac_Bat31\data [SPIFFS] size : 3052 [SPIFFS] page : 256 [SPIFFS] block : 8192 /cours_grafcet.pdf

[SPIFFS] upload : C:\Edruino\Temp/Test_FTPServer_Dac_Bat31.spiffs.bin [SPIFFS] address : 0x100000 [SPIFFS] reset : ck [SPIFFS] port : COM36 [SPIFFS] speed : 115200 [SPIFFS] python : C:\Users\bobiller\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\tools\python\3.7.2-post1\python.exe [SPIFFS] uploader : C:\Users\bobiller\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.5.2\tools\ v2.6

Serial port COM36


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\bobiller\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.5.2\tools\", line 25, in


File "C:/Users/bobiller/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.5.2/tools/esptool\", line 2653, in main


File "C:/Users/bobiller/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.5.2/tools/esptool\", line 468, in connect

raise FatalError('Failed to connect to %s: %s' % (self.CHIP_NAME, last_error))

esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header

SPIFFS Upload failed!

d00m3dd00d commented 5 years ago

Placing the .zip into %userdir%\Documents\Arduino\tools\ESP8266FS fixed the issue for me.

File structure should appear such as: C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Arduino\tools\ESP8266FS\tool\esp8266fs.jar

Restart Ardiuno IDE after adding.

BOBILLIER commented 5 years ago

You are right. Thanks. One another thing i forget to do , is to place ESP in program mode , like when i try to download a sketch to it.

earlephilhower commented 4 years ago

Closing as fixed. We've documented the issue in the latest release, and the SDU is updated in @me-no-dev 's repo.