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BME680 reports bad pressure value #15

Closed thomaskr closed 5 years ago

thomaskr commented 6 years ago


Esphomeyaml reports unreasonably low pressure value retrieved via esphomelib from Bosch BME680 sensor.

The pressure value is reported as 740 hPa while a value of 993 hPa is expected.


esphomeyaml==1.9.3, Python 2.7.15rc1, Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64, MASL: 65

Dependency Graph

|-- <ArduinoOTA> v1.0
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |-- <ESP8266mDNS>
|   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|-- <ESP8266mDNS>
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|-- <Hash> v1.0
|-- <Wire> v1.0
|-- <esphomelib> v1.9.3 #9d5e290
|   |-- <AsyncMqttClient> v0.8.2
|   |   |-- <ESPAsyncTCP> v1.2.0
|   |   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |-- <ArduinoJson-esphomelib> v5.13.3
|   |-- <ESP Async WebServer> v1.1.1
|   |   |-- <ESPAsyncTCP> v1.2.0
|   |   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |   |-- <Hash> v1.0
|   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |   |-- <ArduinoJson-esphomelib> v5.13.3
|   |-- <FastLED> v3.2.0
|   |   |-- <EspSoftwareSerial> v3.4.1
|   |-- <Wire> v1.0
|   |-- <ArduinoOTA> v1.0
|   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |   |-- <ESP8266mDNS>
|   |   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0
|   |-- <ESP8266mDNS>
|   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> v1.0

Log output

[10:12:20][VV][component:132]: Running interval 'update':0 with interval=15000 last_execution=75656 (now=90663)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:073]: Beginning Transmission to 0x77:
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:111]:     Writing 0b01110100 (0x74)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:111]:     Writing 0b10100001 (0xA1)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:078]:     Transmission ended. Status code: 0x00
[10:12:20][VV][component:079]: set_timeout(name='data', timeout=250)
[10:12:20][VV][component:132]: Running timeout 'data':1 with interval=250 last_execution=90684 (now=90950)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:073]: Beginning Transmission to 0x77:
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:111]:     Writing 0b00011101 (0x1D)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:078]:     Transmission ended. Status code: 0x00
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:100]: Requesting 15 bytes from 0x77:
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b10000000 (0x80)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b00000000 (0x00)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b10000000 (0x80)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b00000000 (0x00)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b00000000 (0x00)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b01110101 (0x75)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b01111000 (0x78)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b11010000 (0xD0)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b01011111 (0x5F)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b01100010 (0x62)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b10000000 (0x80)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b00000000 (0x00)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b00000000 (0x00)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b01001010 (0x4A)
[10:12:20][VV][i2c:132]:     Received 0b11111001 (0xF9)
[10:12:20][D][sensor.bme680:313]: Got temperature=19.5°C pressure=740.0hPa humidity=59.9% gas_resistance=18588.0Ω
[10:12:20][V][sensor.sensor:020]: 'Temperatur Flur Komode': Received new state 19.519823
[10:12:20][VV][sensor.filter:022]: Filter(0x3fff3234)::input(19.519823)
[10:12:20][VV][sensor.filter:071]: SlidingWindowMovingAverageFilter(0x3fff3234)::new_value(19.519823) -> 19.520716
[10:12:20][V][sensor.sensor:020]: 'Luftdruck': Received new state 739.966492
[10:12:20][VV][sensor.filter:022]: Filter(0x3fff34fc)::input(739.966492)
[10:12:20][VV][sensor.filter:071]: SlidingWindowMovingAverageFilter(0x3fff34fc)::new_value(739.966492) -> 739.967468
[10:12:20][V][sensor.sensor:020]: 'Luftfeuchtigkeit Flur': Received new state 59.895885
[10:12:20][VV][sensor.filter:022]: Filter(0x3fff37c4)::input(59.895885)
[10:12:20][VV][sensor.filter:071]: SlidingWindowMovingAverageFilter(0x3fff37c4)::new_value(59.895885) -> 59.895073
[10:12:20][V][sensor.sensor:020]: 'Gassensor Flur': Received new state 18588.000000
[10:12:20][D][sensor.sensor:126]: 'Gassensor Flur': Sending state 18588.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy
[10:12:20][V][mqtt.client:239]: Publish(topic='esp_hallway/sensor/gassensor_flur/state' payload='18588' retain=1)
mkihr commented 5 years ago

I have exactly the same issue. Getting correct value when using Adafruit Lib for BME680.

pszafer commented 5 years ago

Same bug for me...

BioGeekJoey commented 5 years ago

Having the same issue, so it seems.

A BME280 and a BME680 connected to the same D1 mini (esp8266) on the same I²C bus. Expected pressure is ~991. bme680]

andreas-bulling commented 5 years ago

same problem here

S3NS375 commented 5 years ago

Same problem here too. Has someone figured out something? Can i do a workaround?

S3NS375 commented 5 years ago

Hello again ;)

Today i have figured out that the shown pressure looks identical to the temperature curve. Maybe a good hint to find the problem:



thomaskr commented 5 years ago

Here they are very similar as well:

bildschirmfoto von 2019-03-07 15-57-57

james-davis-protonmail commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have also (many) issues with the BME680. I bought three of them which I run on a izokee (wemos d1 mini clone).

They are all setup at the same location with the same configuration, however report different (crazy) values. This is the configuration which I use for the three of them:

  devicename: izokee_1
  name: ${devicename}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    static_ip: ${ip}
  sda: 4
  scl: 5
  scan: False
  - platform: bme680
      name: ${devicename}_temperature
        - filter_out: 100
        - filter_out: 0
        - filter_nan:
      oversampling: 2x
      name: ${devicename}_pressure
        - filter_out: 100
        - filter_out: 0
        - filter_nan:
      oversampling: 2x
      name: ${devicename}_humidity
        - filter_out: 100
        - filter_out: 0
        - filter_nan:
      oversampling: 2x
      name: ${devicename}_gas_resistance
        - filter_nan:
    address: 0x76
    update_interval: 90s
    iir_filter: 3x  


# Enable logging
  level: debug
# Enable Home Assistant API

those are my horrible results : image

Would you mind sharing your yaml conf with me so I can try it? I am specially interested in the oversampling values (tried none up to x16), the iir filter (tried OFF up to x127) and filters if you have any.

Thanks :)

thomaskr commented 5 years ago

Your problems are not related to the original issue. Please stick to the topic or open a new issue.

gon0 commented 5 years ago

Same here. I am using Adafruit BME680 Library on TTGO V2 LoRa OLED ESP32 and on firebeetle ESP32. On both i saw drops of pressure, which recover somehow after some time (temperature and humidity peak were initiated by me). Also the BME680 cannot be read after some minutes or after some days and a new bme.begin() fails. I have china BME680 boards in purple (CJCMU-680), running via I2C. 2019-03-18 21_49_48-Node-RED Dashboard