Open Worange12 opened 7 months ago
The singular column is the imaginary part, and the even column is the real part; Phase information can be obtained; At the same time, CSI data can only be obtained from frames collected from one antenna.
The singular column is the imaginary part, and the even column is the real part; Phase information can be obtained; At the same time, CSI data can only be obtained from frames collected from one antenna.
If you can get the phase of the sending device, that's OK. You can't get a phase difference on a single development board.
If you can get the phase of the sending device, that's OK. You can't get a phase difference on a single development board.
If you can get the phase of the sending device, that's OK. You can't get a phase difference on a single development board.
所得到的csv文件中data中的数据格式是单数列为实数,双数列为虚数吗?如果是的也就意味着板载WiFi天线也能得到相位信息是吗? ESP32-S3能否外接更多的天线来得到更多子载波信息?