essepuntato / LODE

Live OWL Documentation Environment, to convert OWL ontologies into HTML human-readable pages.
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Error processing nested resources #36

Open ioggstream opened 2 years ago

ioggstream commented 2 years ago

I expect



      <owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:identifier>cnr - Z6HZEH - STLab</dct:identifier>
        <foaf:name xml:lang="it">Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del CNR - Semantic Technology Lab (STLab)</foaf:name>



lode    | Error on line 1976 of extraction.xsl:
lode    |   XTTE1020: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the @select attribute of xsl:sort
lode    |   at xsl:call-template name="" (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#196)
lode    |   at xsl:call-template name="structure" (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#260)
lode    |   at xsl:apply-templates (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#121)
lode    |      processing /rdf:RDF/owl:Ontology[1]
lode    |   in built-in template rule
lode    | Error on line 1976 of extraction.xsl:
lode    |   XTTE1020: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the @select attribute of xsl:sort
lode    |   at xsl:call-template name="" (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#196)
lode    |   at xsl:call-template name="structure" (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#260)
lode    |   at xsl:apply-templates (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#121)
lode    |      processing /rdf:RDF/owl:Ontology[1]
lode    |   in built-in template rule
lode    | Error on line 1976 of extraction.xsl:
lode    |   XTTE1020: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the @select attribute of xsl:sort
lode    |   at xsl:call-template name="" (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#196)
lode    |   at xsl:call-template name="structure" (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#260)
lode    |   at xsl:apply-templates (file:///opt/LODE/src/main/webapp/extraction.xsl#121)
lode    |      processing /rdf:RDF/owl:Ontology[1]
lode    |   in built-in template rule


Applying this changes, the file works. The problem here is that LODE doesn't seem to be compatible with files generated by Apache Jena or python rdflib.


cc: @giorgialodi

tharindupr commented 4 months ago

Just get rid of all the dc:creator tags as a work around. It should work.