ethb3rlin / find-a-team

Team formation repository - just file issues with ideas!
The Unlicense
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[LFH]: farcaster-frame based game aka "ingress for channels" #78

Open floAr opened 1 month ago

floAr commented 1 month ago


Hey floar.eth here. I'm a software developer by trade, been doing a lot of 3d and game dev since i can remember and worked for over a decade for a big german automotive company helping them figure out their VR / AR strategy. Started to get involved with Crypto around 2016 as the idea of ETH as programmable money + autonomous cars was something I wanted to explore. Been in crypto on and off since then, until it clicked with NFTs for me. I did a wide variety of things with nfts, among those helped secret network to get their nft game setup, co-founded their marketplace Stashh, later cofounded and dev'ed ExpansionPunks on eth and since 3 years almost fulltime work at NiftyIsland to build the web3 game everyone deserves but never got. I love to tinker with stuff and explore new things, so my side project folder is way to big, but I just cant resist trying to figure out that next shiny thing. I use a broad set of technologies, strongest suite is c# and unity3d by far but I know my way around frontend (react, svelte) + backend (typescript) and smart contract (mostly solidity). Looking forward to EthBerlin, to have some relaxed hacking (recently became a father, so weekends coding have been rare) and get to chat with all you awesome folks.

What I would like to do

Pretty much down for everything, I have a few ideas around a social-game based on Farcaster social graph / frames and actions to build out a small POC strategy PvP (or rather Channel vs Channel), but would just as much like to join a team to get some other idea over the finishing line!

(While I will spend a lot of time at the hack (sans some nap time around the corner + showers) I alos would love to take part in some of the side experience and won't hardcore hack for 40hrs.)


On a scale of 0-5:


Consider leaving your personal Matrix address so that the team can contact you off GitHub.

floAr commented 1 month ago

Pitching a game idea:
Farcaster-based social mmo, aka ingress via frames.
Instead of capturing physical locations players capture channels on farcaster.
Suits itself for easy scaling as we could do most thing off-chain first and transition them on-chain bit by bit.
Game logic would be done via frame backend, so typescript and eventually governed by smart contracts.
Thinking about some mechanic for capturing that make use of privacy based compute so maybe secret network (or potentially zk, but the latter is not my expertise).