ethereum-pocr / kerleano

Information on the Kerleano test network
3 stars 1 forks source link
blockchain climate ethereum


Network infos

Nodes topology

Join the network

If you want to join the network as a client or a sealer node check this doc

Check node status after joining the network

Once the configuration of your node(s) to join the network is done, check in your log file that the node start syncing with the kerleano network, log example:

INFO [04-19|10:59:11.465] Carbon footprint node                    result=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009c4 node=0x1311aEF86D1DB33Db945fc488eEFF1C6105b9593
INFO [04-19|10:59:11.465] Calculated reward based on footprint     block=231,465 node=0x1311aEF86D1DB33Db945fc488eEFF1C6105b9593 total=7500 nb=2 footprint=2500 reward=1,307,692,307,692,307,692
INFO [04-19|10:59:11.465] Increasing the total crypto              from=132761068132408598043952 to=132762375824716290351644
INFO [04-19|10:59:11.466] Imported new chain segment               blocks=1  txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.658ms     mgasps=0.000  number=231,465 hash=4e9bac..f00a51 dirty=357.74KiB

You must see this line with Imported new chain segment and number=xxx corresponding to the block read and imported from the kerleano network

When you start a fresh node with empty datadir, you should see the Imported new chain segment log line from block number=1 until the last block of the network.

You can check if your node still syncing and the highestBlock of the network using the commands below :

# execute a javascript console to your node
geth attach --datadir $DATADIR 

# check the highestBlock: xxxxx is the last block sealed in the network and currentBlock: xxx is the latest block synced by your node
> eth.syncing
  currentBlock: 33337,
  healedBytecodeBytes: 0,
  healedBytecodes: 0,
  healedTrienodeBytes: 0,
  healedTrienodes: 0,
  healingBytecode: 0,
  healingTrienodes: 0,
  highestBlock: 231748,
  startingBlock: 0,
  syncedAccountBytes: 0,
  syncedAccounts: 0,
  syncedBytecodeBytes: 0,
  syncedBytecodes: 0,
  syncedStorage: 0,
  syncedStorageBytes: 0

# you can also use eth.blockNumber to see last synched block by the node

> eth.blockNumber

# once the sync is done (currentBlock=highestBlock) the function will return false
> eth.syncing

you can check the highest block in the monitoring tool

Reset the network

As we're still at dev stage, the network may require to be reset, so all the nodes in the network must reset the datadir and init the network with the same genesis file kerleano.json and geth binary used by other nodes

export kerleano_version=v1.0 && \
  curl -f -L -o ~/kerleano.json \$kerleano_version/kerleano.json

for sealer node


# Requirements

* For now we only support `os ubuntu arch amd64` for `geth`nodes
* Inbound/Outbound port UDP/TCP `30303` used for discovery by the geth node must be exposed (can be changed when starting `geth` instance with `--port` flag)
* Genesis file `kerleano.json` must be identical to the one used by the nodes in the network
* **Attention!!** The network will stuck if `50%` of the sealers are down, 
To be able to recover the network, those sealers must rejoin the network with same authorized `addresses`, So the  `private keys` and their `passwords` associated to those `addresses` must be stored in a safe place (vault) 
* Make sure to have a `public static ip` address for the nodes you want to share in **[Network infos](** and also use the same `nodekey` file (if you've followed this readme `nodekey` file should be in `~/.keystore/nodekey` and passed to `geth` start command with `--nodekey` option) as its used to generate the `enodeId`
`enode` is `enode://${enodeId}@${public_ip_address}:30303`
* For client nodes you can use a reverse proxy of your choice to secure the `websockets` and `rpc` endpoints with `wss` and `https`

Example of nginx config to secure the websocket endpoint :


server {

        listen               443 ssl;
        ssl                  on;
        ssl_certificate      /app/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key  /app/certs/nginx-selfsigned.key;

        location / {

                if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {
                        add_header Content-Length 0;
                        add_header Content-Type text/plain;
                        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";
                        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS";
                        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type";
                        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true;
                        return 201;

                proxy_pass http://${IP_OF_THE_NODE}:${WEBSOCKET_PORT}/;
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;


and to secure rpc endpoint :

server {

    listen               443 ssl;
        ssl                  on;
        ssl_certificate      /app/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key  /app/certs/nginx-selfsigned.key;

        location / {

            if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {
                add_header Content-Length 0;
                add_header Content-Type text/plain;
            add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";
                add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS";
                add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type";
                add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true;
                return 201;

        proxy_pass http://${IP_OF_THE_NODE}:${RPC_PORT}/;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;


default websocket port is 8546 and default rpc port is 8545

Use ansible

You can check this doc to automate those steps with ansible