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Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Specifications
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Determine `eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY])` result #2538

Closed hwwhww closed 2 years ago

hwwhww commented 2 years ago

I'd like to confirm what's the expected behavior of eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) call.

eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) result?

Since (i) AggregatePKs is not defined in the IETF standard and (ii) AggregatePKs functionality is using in Altair, we defined an eth2_aggregate_pubkeys function to aggregate the pubkeys. That is, aggregate pubkeys logic will be in the consensus layer since Altair HF.

Since it's not part of IETF standard, the BLS libs may have implemented the "basic" AggregatePKs API differently:


  1. Should we have eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) test vectors?
    • Note that eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) should never be triggered in Altair since all the possible pubkeys should have passed KeyValidate.
    • However, I'm not sure about the future usage of eth2_aggregate_pubkeys and other Ethereum-specific BLS functions. e.g., we may want to use G1 point at infinity to represent the "emptiness" in other cases; similar to how we use G2_POINT_AT_INFINITY in eth2_fast_aggregate_verify.
  2. If so, should we make eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) invalid in the test vectors?
    • If yes, I'd say we should describe this behavior in the eth2_fast_aggregate_verify description or pseudo code.

/cc @kirk-baird @mratsim @benjaminion @nisdas @wemeetagain @ChihChengLiang 🙏

mratsim commented 2 years ago

In the spec at the infinity pubkey is invalid: image

From the discussion in, the next revision of the spec will explicitly mention that KeyValidate can be cached by doing it only at deserialization (if a key is reused multiple times like validator pubkeys), or before verification (current spec).

I think having eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) invalid will cause the less edge cases to all clients. We can just apply KeyValidate at deserialization. Otherwise special cases need to be applied for aggregation in our libraries.

Regarding future usage of G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY, in Nimbus we distinguish between the serialized representation of BLS objects which allow both all zero objects and infinity objects (0xc000...) and the deserialized version that is only for spec-compliant cases.

kirk-baird commented 2 years ago

I too like the idea of having it INVALID since it would fail KeyValidate, hence we can cache the validation (which lighthouse does).

I think it's also beneficial to fail as early as possible when given malicious / malformed data as it reduces the edgecases and improves performance, thus being able to reject these at deserialisation time is beneficial.

nisdas commented 2 years ago

As has been mentioned above having it marked as INVALID would be the change with the least friction. It does seem that all clients do cache keys at deserialization. Since KeyValidate checks for G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY , this can also by applied to eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) in relation. If we choose to mark it as VALID , it does introduce some not very nice edge cases in terms of usage with very little benefit.

we may want to use G1 point at infinity to represent the "emptiness" in other cases; similar to how we use

If we do want to represent 'emptiness' , maybe such a check should be done at the application layer rather than adding it to the core BLS library.

hwwhww commented 2 years ago

@mratsim @kirk-baird @nisdas Thank you for your responses! I think we have a rough consensus that it's safer to have eth2_aggregate_pubkeys([G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY]) INVALID. 🙂


From the discussion in, the next revision of the spec will explicitly mention that KeyValidate can be cached by doing it only at deserialization (if a key is reused multiple times like validator pubkeys), or before verification (current spec).

IIUC, (1) the discussion was mainly about subgroup checks, but (2) G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY can pass subgroup checks anyway so it won't raise an error in deserialization?

Milagro already checks KeyValidate during deserialization. Does anyone know how blst handles it now?

mratsim commented 2 years ago

IIUC, (1) the discussion was mainly about subgroup checks, but (2) G1_POINT_AT_INFINITY can pass subgroup checks anyway so it won't raise an error in deserialization?

Yes it's mainly about subgroup checks but then drifted to KeyValidate / all checks see quote

  • deserialize = deserialize + curve check + subgroup check <- default option

  • deserialize_curve_check = deserialize + curve check

  • deserialize_unchecked = deserialize only presumably people who invokes the second or the third API know what they are doing...

Milagro already checks KeyValidate during deserialization. Does anyone know how blst handles it now?

BLST provides the primitives, there is no check by default on deserialization

            pub fn deserialize(pk_in: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, BLST_ERROR> {
                if (pk_in.len() == $pk_ser_size && (pk_in[0] & 0x80) == 0)
                    || (pk_in.len() == $pk_comp_size && (pk_in[0] & 0x80) != 0)
                    let mut pk = <$pk_aff>::default();
                    let err = unsafe { $pk_deser(&mut pk, pk_in.as_ptr()) };
                    if err != BLST_ERROR::BLST_SUCCESS {
                        return Err(err);
                    Ok(Self { point: pk })
                } else {

and a validate proc can be called afterwards

            // key_validate
            pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), BLST_ERROR> {
                unsafe {
                    if $pk_is_inf(&self.point) {
                        return Err(BLST_ERROR::BLST_PK_IS_INFINITY);
                    if !$pk_in_group(&self.point) {
                        return Err(BLST_ERROR::BLST_POINT_NOT_IN_GROUP);

            pub fn key_validate(key: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, BLST_ERROR> {
                let pk = PublicKey::from_bytes(key)?;

When aggregating you have a boolean to indicate is validation is needed or was cached

            // Aggregate
            pub fn aggregate(
                pks: &[&PublicKey],
                pks_validate: bool,
            ) -> Result<Self, BLST_ERROR> {
                if pks.len() == 0 {
                    return Err(BLST_ERROR::BLST_AGGR_TYPE_MISMATCH);
                if pks_validate {
                let mut agg_pk = AggregatePublicKey::from_public_key(pks[0]);
                for s in pks.iter().skip(1) {
                    if pks_validate {
                    unsafe {
                            &mut agg_pk.point,

            pub fn aggregate_serialized(
                pks: &[&[u8]],
                pks_validate: bool,
            ) -> Result<Self, BLST_ERROR> {
                // TODO - threading
                if pks.len() == 0 {
                    return Err(BLST_ERROR::BLST_AGGR_TYPE_MISMATCH);
                let mut pk = if pks_validate {
                } else {
                let mut agg_pk = AggregatePublicKey::from_public_key(&pk);
                for s in pks.iter().skip(1) {
                    pk = if pks_validate {
                    } else {
                    unsafe {
                            &mut agg_pk.point,
hwwhww commented 2 years ago

closing via #2539