We want to split up this field to show two fields:
Fiat Currency and Amount
Can you enter Number only restrictions on the front end for the Amount field please? We cannot update the Data Type on the backend without deleting all past data.
Countries of Team | Countries_of_Team__c | Text Area(255)
I believe this field is only used on the Academic Grants Round form, and does not exist for the Small Grants or Project Grants forms.
We'd like to change this to be a multi-picklist of countries to choose from. If possible, we'd still like to keep the backend data type as an open text field. The data can be entered into the Salesforce field as "United States;Denmark;France" separated by a semi-colon.
Values: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TH-2O1W1b-L3-M4hzELAoonCgfzbyp7sYPImZlaEDxk/edit?usp=sharing
(I think 255 characters should still be fine as a limit! Let me know if you think it would cause a problem)
Don't hesitate to let Monet know if you have any questions or concerns.
Hi there! We need two fields to be updated on the front end forms for all of these forms:
We want to split up this field to show two fields:
Fiat Currency
Can you enter Number only restrictions on the front end for the
field please? We cannot update the Data Type on the backend without deleting all past data.Example:
Mappings https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aIOlzDxE4RmB15eN4ZyYlcyjd2N38PB3JuThXdLcDfA/edit#gid=0
Don't hesitate to let Monet know if you have any questions or concerns.