Open hugo-dc opened 6 months ago
omg, you love retesteth so much you implemented Prague structures verification?
feels like need to add new header fields in t8n response and in the header verification. and in header wraps when Cancun transformed into Prague.
does it work for what you wanted?
I added the minimum needed to "fill" the Copier tests generated by evmone here: .
Currently it is complaining about EOF Validation tests not having the debugInfo field:
retesteth -t EIPTests/StateTests/stEOF/call -- --testpath /home/hugo/workspace/evmone_copier_tests/tests --filltests --clients evmone
WARNING: , Message: Found test file in suite subfolder won't be executed: /home/hugo/workspace/evmone_copier_tests/tests/src/EOFTestsFiller/efValidation/EOF1_rjumpi_invalid_destination_Copier.json, has empty debugInfo! Missing debug Testinfo for test step.
For now the generation of Copier files is currently on hold in evmone, I'm currently trying to generate python tests directly.
Needed by this evmone branch in order to fill the Generated copier tests correctly.