I am following the tutorial and have compiled the package in the catkin workspace. I tried to get the new namespace and launch the filter but I am unable to do so because I get an error that the pose_sensor node cannot be located. I have source'd my devel/setup.bash. However, that hasn't fixed the problem. What else I can try to do? When I try to run rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure, my dynamic reconfigure is empty.
I am following the tutorial and have compiled the package in the catkin workspace. I tried to get the new namespace and launch the filter but I am unable to do so because I get an error that the pose_sensor node cannot be located. I have
'd mydevel/setup.bash
. However, that hasn't fixed the problem. What else I can try to do? When I try to runrosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
, my dynamic reconfigure is empty.Anybody have any idea what is going wrong?