ethz-asl / ethzasl_sensor_fusion

time delay single and multi sensor fusion framework based on an EKF
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Bag file with sample viedo and IMU data #4

Open sogartar opened 11 years ago

sogartar commented 11 years ago

Hi, Thank you for sharing this framework and for writing tutorials on how to use it.

In the tutorial it is assumed that you have a flying platform. Wouldn't it be nice to have some sample bag files from your platform with video, gyroscope and accelerometer recordings. Maybe I missed them, but I couldn't find any. The dataset provides only IMU data.

With a bag file from you, people could test if their build works with data that is tested and results should be good.

Regards, Boian

stephanweiss commented 11 years ago

Dear Boian,

Thanks for your input and for using our framework. You are correct, the available dataset does not contain images, only IMU and 6DoF Vicon data.

Our reasoning was the following: without images, the dataset is much (!) smaller and can easily be downloaded. The filter modules treat the camera as a closed and loosely coupled sensor and do not use images but processed 6D or 3D data, thus the correct functioning of the filter can be verified with the data in the dataset. Also, omitting the image processing step reduces further sources of error.

However, you are perfectly right about the usefulness of a complete dataset. I hope we can soon upload one which is publicly available.

Best regards Stephan