ethz-asl / rotors_simulator

RotorS is a UAV gazebo simulator
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Building on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS kinetic Fails #594

Open m-kzein opened 4 years ago

m-kzein commented 4 years ago

Hello, I followed the instructions carefully, but the package does not seem to work with Ubuntu 16.04. These are the errors I get:

Errors << mavros_extras:make /home/zein/catkin_pelican/logs/mavros_extras/build.make.000.log /home/zein/catkin_pelican/src/mavros/mavros_extras/src/plugins/odom.cpp: In member function ‘void mavros::extra_plugins::OdometryPlugin::odom_cb(const ConstPtr&)’: /home/zein/catkin_pelican/src/mavros/mavros_extras/src/plugins/odom.cpp:234:51: error: ‘struct mavlink::common::msg::ODOMETRY’ has no member named ‘twist_covariance’ ftf::covariance_urt_to_mavlink(cov_vel_map, msg.twist_covariance); ^ make[2]: [CMakeFiles/mavros_extras.dir/src/plugins/odom.cpp.o] Error 1 make[2]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[1]: [CMakeFiles/mavros_extras.dir/all] Error 2 make: [all] Error 2 cd /home/zein/catkin_pelican/build/mavros_extras; catkin build --get-env mavros_extras | catkin env -si /usr/bin/make --jobserver-fds=6,7 -j; cd - ............................................................................... Failed << mavros_extras:make [ Exited with code 2 ]
Failed <<< mavros_extras [ 47.1 seconds ]
Abandoned <<< rotors_gazebo [ Unrelated job failed ]
Abandoned <<< test_mavros [ Unrelated job failed ]

Warnings << rotors_gazebo_plugins:make /home/zein/catkin_pelican/logs/rotors_gazebo_plugins/build.make.000.log

Anybody had similar issue and was able to solve it? Thanks!

chanforg commented 4 years ago

i also have the similar issue

Grindelmort commented 4 years ago

I changed twist_covariance to velocity_covariance in odom.cpp file and it worked for me.