euslisp / EusLisp

EusLisp is an integrated programming system for the research on intelligent robots based on Common Lisp and Object-Oriented programming. [Manual]( ) [マニュアル]( )
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OSX で eus64-check が使えるようにする #231

Open k-okada opened 7 years ago

k-okada commented 7 years ago

以下を動くようにして確認できるようにしたいです.おそらくdefun-c-callable がうまく動いておらず、holeのあるobjectをひょうじでき無いのではないかと思います.

@wkentaro @furushchev

+++make -C eus/contrib/eus64-check/^M
gcc -m32 -O2 -g -falign-functions=4 -Di386 -Di486 -DLinux -fpic -c test_foreign.c^M
clang: warning: optimization flag '-falign-functions=4' is not supported^M
ESC[1mtest_foreign.c:169:34: ESC[0mESC[0;1;35mwarning: ESC[0mESC[1mformat specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'long (*)()' [-Wformat]ESC[0m^M
  printf("set_ifunc, g = %lX\n", g);^M
ESC[0;1;32m                         ~~~     ^^M
ESC[0mESC[1mtest_foreign.c:170:1: ESC[0mESC[0;1;35mwarning: ESC[0mESC[1mcontrol reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]ESC[0m^M
ESC[0mESC[1mtest_foreign.c:180:35: ESC[0mESC[0;1;35mwarning: ESC[0mESC[1mformat specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'double (*)(long, long, long, long, long, long, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, long, long)' [-Wformat]ESC[0m^M
  printf("set_ffunc, gf = %lX\n", gf);^M
ESC[0;1;32m                          ~~~     ^~^M
ESC[0mESC[1mtest_foreign.c:181:1: ESC[0mESC[0;1;35mwarning: ESC[0mESC[1mcontrol reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]ESC[0m^M
ESC[0mESC[1mtest_foreign.c:184:35: ESC[0mESC[0;1;35mwarning: ESC[0mESC[1mformat specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'long (*)()' [-Wformat]ESC[0m^M
  printf("call_ifunc, g = %lX\n", g);^M
ESC[0;1;32m                          ~~~     ^^M
ESC[0mESC[1mtest_foreign.c:189:36: ESC[0mESC[0;1;35mwarning: ESC[0mESC[1mformat specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'double (*)(long, long, long, long, long, long, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, long, long)' [-Wformat]ESC[0m^M
  printf("call_ffunc, gf = %lX\n", gf);^M
ESC[0;1;32m                           ~~~     ^~^M
ESC[0m6 warnings generated.^M
gcc -m32 -shared -fpic -falign-functions=4 -o test_foreign.o^M
irteusgl eus64-test.l^M
ESC[31mXserver connection failedESC[0mBINLOAD cannot dlopen: dlopen(./, 1): no suitable image found.  Did find:^M
        ./ mach-o, but wrong architecture^M
Call Stack (max depth: 20):^M
  0: at (load-foreign "")^M
  1: at (setq *testmod* (load-foreign ""))^M
furushchev commented 7 years ago


./ mach-o, but wrong architecture

This is because is compiled as 32bit linux architecture. (Note that ARCHDIR is Darwin not Linux64)

However even if compiled as 64bit darwin architecture, calling defun-c-callable fails with Bus Error(this is equivalent to Segmentation Fault in Linux system).

One possible cause was compile option -falign-functions=<num> which is available on GCC is not available in clang. (displayed above: clang: warning: optimization flag '-falign-functions=4' is not supported) I changed it to -malign-functions=<num> which seems to be supported on Clang (please see below diff. At least, compiler does not complain about it when specified), still it occurs Bus Error.

(Note that I also disabled optimization in this diff. Need to re-compile entire euslisp codes)

diff --git a/contrib/eus64-check/Makefile b/contrib/eus64-check/Makefile
index 3ec68ba..d84106f 100644
--- a/contrib/eus64-check/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/eus64-check/Makefile
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ all : test
 MARCH=$(shell uname -m) : test_foreign.c
+ifeq ($(ARCHDIR), Darwin)
+   gcc -g -malign-functions=8 -Dx86_64 -DDarwin -DLinux -fPIC -c $<
+   gcc -shared -fPIC -malign-functions=8 -dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o $@ test_foreign.o
 ifeq ($(ARCHDIR), Linux64)
    gcc -O2 -g -falign-functions=8 -Dx86_64 -DLinux -fPIC -c $<
@@ -25,10 +29,10 @@ else
    gcc -m32 -shared -fpic -falign-functions=4 -o $@ test_foreign.o

    irteusgl eus64-test.l

 clean :
    \rm -f *.o *.so
diff --git a/contrib/eus64-check/eus64-test.l b/contrib/eus64-check/eus64-test.l
index 9cf1560..b32f396 100644
--- a/contrib/eus64-check/eus64-test.l
+++ b/contrib/eus64-check/eus64-test.l
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ test-testd = 1.23456

   (assert (= (ret-long 123 645000) (+ 123 645000)))
 ;; ret-int
 ;; ret-short
 ;; ret-char
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ test-testd = 1.23456
   206 207
   return 0.12345~%")
 (format t "call-ffunc = ~A~%" (call-ffunc))

diff --git a/lisp/Makefile.Darwin b/lisp/Makefile.Darwin
index df7814f..aa56778 100644
--- a/lisp/Makefile.Darwin
+++ b/lisp/Makefile.Darwin
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION), 2)
- ALIGN_FUNCTIONS=-falign-functions=4
+ ALIGN_FUNCTIONS=-malign-functions=4

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ifeq ($(OS_VERSION), 10.5)
- ALIGN_FUNCTIONS=-falign-functions=8 -fPIC
+ ALIGN_FUNCTIONS=-malign-functions=8 -fPIC
 DEBUG= -g

diff --git a/lisp/comp/comp.l b/lisp/comp/comp.l
index c029408..2e9d498 100644
--- a/lisp/comp/comp.l
+++ b/lisp/comp/comp.l
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (defparameter *cflags* "")
 (defparameter *defun-list* nil)
 (defparameter *verbose* nil)
-(defparameter *optimize* 2)
+(defparameter *optimize* 0)
 (defparameter *safety* 1)
 (defparameter *space* 0)
 (defparameter *do-cc* t)
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@
  (:compile-file (file &key
         (cc-option "")
         (optimize *optimize*)
-        (c-optimize 2)
+        (c-optimize 0)
         (safety *safety*)
         (cc *do-cc*)   ;nil skips c-compilation
         (pic *pic*)    ;t forces position independent code 
@@ -1310,8 +1310,8 @@
             ((memq :sanyo *features*)  " -Dsanyo")
             ((memq :darwin *features*)
              (if (memq :x86_64 *features*)
-                 " -DDarwin -Dx86_64 -DLinux -w -falign-functions=8 "
-               " -DDarwin -Di386 -DLinux -w -falign-functions=4 "))
+                 " -DDarwin -Dx86_64 -DLinux -w -malign-functions=8 "
+               " -DDarwin -Di386 -DLinux -w -malign-functions=4 "))
             ((and (memq :linux *features*)  (memq :gcc3 *features*))
                            ((memq :x86_64 *features*)


$ make
irteusgl eus64-test.l
configuring by "/Users/furushchev/Development/jskeus-orig/eus/lib/eusrt.l"
;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus ;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem ;; Xtext ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin
connected to Xserver DISPLAY=/private/tmp/
X events are being asynchronously monitored.
;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage ;; pbmfile ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign ;; gldecl ;; glconst ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign ;; glxconst ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph pgsql irtgeo euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor irtbvh irtcollada irtpointcloud irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb
;; extending gcstack 0x1098c8000[16374] --> 0x109dbe000[32748] top=3d1a
irtgl irtglc irtviewer
EusLisp 9.22(a89bd07 5d6b9ca1) for Darwin created on feuerzangenbowle.local(Mon Jan 9 09:50:16 JST 2017)

callback function test(integer)
  callback function is set
set_ifunc, g = 7F87468944E0
  expected result: LISP-INTFUNC is called, return 1234
call_ifunc, g = 7F87468944E0
;; Bus Error.
make: *** [test] Error 10
furushchev commented 7 years ago


おそらくdefun-c-callable がうまく動いておらず、holeのあるobjectをひょうじでき無いのではないかと思います


irteusgl$ (setq c1 (make-cube 100 100 100))
#<body #X7fdcf90162b0 (:cube 100.0 100.0 100.0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0>
irteusgl$ (setq c2 (make-cube 10 10 1000))
irteusgl$ #<body #X7fdcf90167d8 (:cube 10.0 10.0 1000.0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0>
irteusgl$ (setq b (body- c1 c2))
#<body #X7fdcf902b970 (:complex -) 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0>
irteusgl$ (objects (list b))
;; (make-irtviewer) executed
(#<body #X7fdcf902b970 (:complex -) 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0>)
2017-01-09 15 09 33

確かに以前はbody-を使ったオブジェクトを表示できなかった記憶はありますが、どこかの段階で修正されていた気がします。 (もしかしたら だった気もしますが、違うかもしれません)

furushchev commented 7 years ago

(MEMO: @k-okada 忘れないようにアサインしていただけると嬉しいです。)

furushchev commented 7 years ago


furushchev commented 7 years ago

もうひとつ考えられるのはLinux64では有効になっているリンカオプションfno-stack-protector -z execstackがclangだと指定しても無効なオプションになるのも原因かもしれません。 thanks to @YoheiKakiuchi

k-okada commented 7 years ago

irtviewer が動いているから、ほぼすべてのdefforegin 機能は動いていて、doubleの扱いか、defun-c-callable か、とにかくなにかひとつだけが動いていない気がします.

eus64-test.l は動いている?これの結果を見たら、どこがおかしいか一発でわかるとおもうんだけど...

-- ◉ Kei Okada

2017-01-11 10:39 GMT+09:00 Furushchev

もうひとつ考えられるのはLinux64では有効になっているリンカオプションfno-stack-protector -z execstack がclangだと指定しても無効なオプションになるのも原因かもしれません。 thanks to @YoheiKakiuchi

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

furushchev commented 7 years ago

@k-okada 先頭のコメントに貼ったとおり、

$ make
irteusgl eus64-test.l
configuring by "/Users/furushchev/Development/jskeus-orig/eus/lib/eusrt.l"
;; readmacro ;; object ;; packsym ;; common ;; constants ;; stream ;; string ;; loader ;; pprint ;; process ;; hashtab ;; array ;; mathtran ;; eusdebug ;; eusforeign ;; coordinates ;; tty ;; history ;; toplevel ;; trans ;; comp ;; builtins ;; par ;; intersection ;; geoclasses ;; geopack ;; geobody ;; primt ;; compose ;; polygon ;; viewing ;; viewport ;; viewsurface ;; hid ;; shadow ;; bodyrel ;; dda ;; helpsub ;; eushelp ;; xforeign ;; Xdecl ;; Xgraphics ;; Xcolor ;; Xeus ;; Xevent ;; Xpanel ;; Xitem ;; Xtext ;; Xmenu ;; Xscroll ;; Xcanvas ;; Xtop ;; Xapplwin
connected to Xserver DISPLAY=/private/tmp/
X events are being asynchronously monitored.
;; pixword ;; RGBHLS ;; convolve ;; piximage ;; pbmfile ;; image_correlation ;; oglforeign ;; gldecl ;; glconst ;; glforeign ;; gluconst ;; gluforeign ;; glxconst ;; glxforeign ;; eglforeign ;; eglfunc ;; glutil ;; gltexture ;; glprim ;; gleus ;; glview ;; toiv-undefined ;; fstringdouble irtmath irtutil irtc irtgeoc irtgraph pgsql irtgeo euspqp pqp irtscene irtmodel irtdyna irtrobot irtsensor irtbvh irtcollada irtpointcloud irtx eusjpeg euspng png irtimage irtglrgb
;; extending gcstack 0x1098c8000[16374] --> 0x109dbe000[32748] top=3d1a
irtgl irtglc irtviewer
EusLisp 9.22(a89bd07 5d6b9ca1) for Darwin created on feuerzangenbowle.local(Mon Jan 9 09:50:16 JST 2017)

callback function test(integer)
  callback function is set
set_ifunc, g = 7F87468944E0
  expected result: LISP-INTFUNC is called, return 1234
call_ifunc, g = 7F87468944E0
;; Bus Error.
make: *** [test] Error 10



furushchev commented 7 years ago

OSX 64bitでdefun-c-callableをコメントアウトしたまま実行した時のログ

k-okada commented 7 years ago

あ、見逃していました.コンパイルされたコードをnmして関数のポインタを確認するのかな.8バイト境界はeusがデータ型の区別に2bit使うからですね.でも、 でも、 あたりで、必要条件ではなくなっている.pod-addressとかを確認するのかな...