euzu / m3u-filter

m3u-filter (iptv filter) is an application which can filter/rename/map entries out of a playlist in M3U / XTREAM format and can save/serve it as m3u, xtream or kodi format. It can be used as reverse or redirect proxy for xtream.
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Cannot play VOD Series #157

Closed ajuratovic closed 3 weeks ago

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Cannot play VOD Series regardless of the device and app which is used. The series are working normally when I'm trying directly through the IPTV link.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Obtain list with VOD Series
  2. Setup list on the m3u-filter in redirect mode
  3. Try to play episode of whichever series

Expected behavior VOD Series could be played

Additional context Example of a log when trying to watch some episode: [2025-01-25T16:22:53Z ERROR m3u_filter::repository::xtream_repository] Failed to read series info for id 705 for hi_def: doc_id not found 705




threads: 4 api: host: port: 8901 web_root: /app/web video: extensions:

source.yml templates:

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic did you update the version from 2.0.10 to 2.1.1 ? If you did, there are breaking changea in the data structure. You should backup the data dir and delete then the data dir content. Do a manual update and reload the playlist in the Player. If this does not help, then provide me anonymized config files as file attachments for me to find out the reason.

I am using the latest version without any problems.

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

That was quick! :)

Yes, I'm using 2.1.1, and VOD Movies and Live are working perfectly. I deleted data and restarted the app, same issue with VOD Series is still present.

Logs when I tested Live, Movies and Series:

[2025-01-25T17:01:10Z DEBUG m3u_filter::api::xtream_api] Redirecting stream request to***&password=***&action=get_series_info&series_id=122194 [2025-01-25T17:01:21Z DEBUG m3u_filter::api::xtream_api] Redirecting stream request to http://***/live/***/89786.ts [2025-01-25T17:01:29Z DEBUG m3u_filter::api::xtream_api] Redirecting stream request to http://***/movie/***/120316.mkv

Attached are config.yml, sources.yml and api-proxy.yml. mapping.yml is not used.

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic i have a question about your filter, what you filter is complete VOD, complete Series and Live with the following filter. Is this what you wanted?

Btw you could split the filter in multiple parts like:

- name: ALL_SERIES
  value: Type = series
- name: ALL_MOVIES
  value: Type = vod
- name: ALL_LIVE
  value: Type = live
- name: HRVATSKA
  value: '(Group ~ "HRVATSKA" AND Name ~ ".*(Croatia World|Z1|Banovina|Kanal RI|Osječka|Slavonska|Vinkovacka|SBTV|Nova Pula|OTV|Trend|Zelina|Laudato|Diadora|Saborska|Zdrava|ICTBusiness).*")'
- name: BOSNIA
  value: '(Group ~ "BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA" AND NOT Name ~ ".*(BHT 1 ʰᵈ|OBN ʰᵈ).*")'
- name: HI_DEF
euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic your web ui is disabled, how did you trigger a manual update ?

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

Correct, the filter is the whole VOD. I know that I can use templates, but this filter is created today and it's still in PoC phase. There is a lot to be optimized. This filter is currrently doing exactly what I want it to do.

I triggered the manual update by setting update_on_boot to true and restarting app. Is that doing the same thing as triggering it through web?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

update_on_boot triggers it when you restart m3u-filter.

In the Web-UI you can trigger it when you like, no restart needed.

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic which player do you use ? And do you use the xtream api ? Because you only defined the xtream api in the source.yml.

How do you access m3u-filter?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic i have tested with your config and everything works as expected. i need more information to understand what is going wrong on your side.

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

I'm using Televizo on an Android smartphone and the playlist is added as xtream. I also tried on Samsung Tizen TV with IPTV Smarters Pro. When I transition to reverse mode everything is working, maybe that detail could help with the diagnostic.

What additional information do you need for troubleshooting? The attached logs are related to the loading of the same episode on the Televizo app. First part is in redirect mode, second part is in reverse mode.


euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic i found the problem, i will publish a new release.

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for helping!

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for finding the bug and providing the infos :)

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic i have published a new image 2.1.2. Can you test it and give me a feedback.

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

Sure, give me up to 30 minutes

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

No hurry, take your time.

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

It's working now. I noticed that the loading of Movies and Series is taking longer than before, but I need to verify that everything is ok on my side before putting that on the m3u-filter.

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

@ajuratovic i asume that you speak about the reverse mode. Can you test the following, disable first buffer and test if it is slower, than disable reconnect and test again. I need to know that one of the options produce this.

In redirect mode it should like provider access.

ajuratovic commented 3 weeks ago

No, redirect mode. Issue was on my side, didn't reload list after app update. Everything is working.