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LP laden alle mit voller Leistung trotze niedrigen Überschuss #11060

Closed xerion3800 closed 9 months ago

xerion3800 commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

Bei mir kommt gerade die Sonne raus und auf einmal fängt alles mit voller Leistung an zu laden , Obwohl nicht genüg Überschuss da ist

Steps to reproduce

  1. PV Leistung vorhanden
  2. Ladepunkte auf PV Modus
  3. Speicher etwas geladen

image residualPower ist auf 300 eingestellt.

Configuration details

  schema: http
  port: 7070

log: debug

  # go: trace
  site: debug
  lp-1: debug
  lp-2: debug
  # mqtt: trace
  # modbus: trace

interval: 10s # control cycle interval

plant: ############

# sponsor token enables optional features (request at https://sponsor.evcc.io)
sponsortoken: ###########

  - name: grid
    type: template
    template: sungrow-hybrid
    usage: grid     

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 
  - name: sungrow
    type: template
    template: sungrow-hybrid
    usage: pv     

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

  - name: plenticore
    type: template
    template: kostal-plenticore
    usage: pv      

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 71
    host: # Hostname
    port: 1502 # Port 

  - name: piko
    type: template
    template: kostal-piko
    usage: pv
    host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname

  - name: battery
    type: template
    template: sungrow-hybrid
    usage: battery    
    capacity: 12.8 # in kWh 

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port  

  - name: SDM72
    type: custom
        source: mqtt
        topic: evcc/fhem/meter/power
        source: mqtt
        topic: evcc/fhem/meter/energy
        - source: mqtt
          topic: evcc/fhem/meter/current_L1
        - source: mqtt
          topic: evcc/fhem/meter/current_L2
        - source: mqtt
          topic: evcc/fhem/meter/current_L3

  - name: goe_charger1
    type: template
    template: go-e-v3

  - name: goe_charger2
    type: template
    template: go-e-v3

  - name: tasmota_plug
    type: template
    template: tasmota
    integrateddevice: true
    icon: generic
    host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname
    standbypower: 2 # Leistung oberhalb des angegebenen Wertes wird als Ladeleistung gewertet (Optional

  - name: shelly_pv
    type: template
    template: shelly
    integrateddevice: true
    heating: true
    host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname
    standbypower: 150 # Leistung oberhalb des angegebenen Wertes wird als Ladeleistung gewertet (Optional

    - name: IONIQ5
      type: custom
      title: Hyundai IONIQ 5
      capacity: 72.6 # kWh
      phases: 0
      onIdentify: # set defaults when vehicle is identified
        mode: pv
        priority: 2
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/soc
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/range
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/Odo
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/remoteClimateState

    - name: IONIQ5_rfid
      type: custom
      title: Hyundai IONIQ 5 (Schnell-Laden)
      capacity: 72.6 # kWh
      phases: 0
        - Hyundai
      onIdentify: # set defaults when vehicle is identified
        mode: now
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/soc
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/range
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/Odo
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/hyundai-ioniq5/remoteClimateState

    - name: cupra
      type: custom
      title: Cupra Formentor # display name for UI
      capacity: 13 # kWh
      phases: 1
      onIdentify: # set defaults when vehicle is identified
        mode: pv
        priority: 5
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/soc
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/range
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/Odometer
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/remoteClimateState
    - name: cupra_rfid
      type: custom
      title: Cupra Formentor (Schnell-Laden) # display name for UI
      capacity: 13 # kWh
      phases: 1
        - Cupra
      onIdentify: # set defaults when vehicle is identified
        mode: now
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/soc
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/range
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/Odometer
        source: mqtt
        topic: PyOBD_evSoc/cupra-formentor/remoteClimateState
    - name: e_bike
      type: template
      template: offline
      icon: bike
      title: VELO DE VILLE # Wird in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt (Optional)
      capacity: 0.625 # Akkukapazität in kWh (Optional) 
      phases: 1

    - name: vaillant
      type: custom
      icon: waterheater
      # title: aroTHERM plus # Wird in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt (Optional)
        source: mqtt
        # broker:
        topic: ebusd/ctlv2/HwcStorageTemp
        jq: .tempv.value
      onIdentify: # set defaults when vehicle is identified
        mode: pv
        priority: 1

  - title: Parkplatz
    charger: goe_charger1
    vehicle: cupra
    mode: pv # Standardmodus zum Laden
    phases: 0 # Automatische Umschaltung zwischen 1 und 3 Phasen
      threshold: 0 # 0 = Export die minimale Ladeleistung erreicht haben
      delay: 1m
      threshold: 200 # Maximaler Netzbezug von 200W ist erlaubt
      delay: 6m
    minCurrent: 6 # Mindestens 6A
    maxCurrent: 16 # Maximal 16A
        mode: always
        interval: 10s
      estimate: true

  - title: Carport
    charger: goe_charger2
    vehicle: IONIQ5
    mode: pv # Standardmodus zum Laden
    phases: 0
      threshold: 0 # 0 = Export die minimale Ladeleistung erreicht haben
      delay: 1m
      threshold: 200 # Maximaler Netzbezug von 200W ist erlaubt
      delay: 6m
    minCurrent: 6 # Mindestens 6A
    maxCurrent: 16 # Maximal 16A
        mode: always
        interval: 10s
      estimate: true
  - title: Tasmota Steckdose
    charger: tasmota_plug
    vehicle: e_bike
    mode: off # Standardmodus zum Laden
    phases: 1
      threshold: 0 # 0 = Export die minimale Ladeleistung erreicht haben
      delay: 1m
      threshold: 200 # Maximaler Netzbezug von 200W ist erlaubt
      delay: 1m
    minCurrent: 4 # Mindestens 4A
    maxCurrent: 4 # Maximal 4A

  - title: Vaillant aroTHERM plus
    charger: shelly_pv
    vehicle: vaillant
    meter: SDM72
    mode: pv # Standardmodus zum Laden
    phases: 3
      threshold: 0 # 0 = Export die minimale Ladeleistung erreicht haben
      delay: 10m
      threshold: 200 # Maximaler Netzbezug von 200W ist erlaubt
      delay: 10m
    minCurrent: 3 # Mindestens 3A = 2070 Watt 3 Phasen
    maxCurrent: 3 # Maximal 3A
    guardduration: 120m
        mode: always
        interval: 1m
      estimate: true

  currency: EUR
    type: tibber
    token: ##### # access token
    homeid: ##### # optional if multiple homes associated to account
    type: fixed
    price: 0.096

  topic: evcc
  clientid: evcc

  title: Meine Sonnentankstelle
    grid: grid
      - sungrow
      - plenticore
      - piko
      - battery
  residualPower: 300
  smartCostlimit: 0.05 # 5 ct

  database: evcc
  # user:
  # password:

# push messages
      title: Ladevorgang gestartet
      msg: Ladevorgang von "${title}" wurde mit Modus "${mode}" und {{round (divf .vehicleSoc) 0 }} % gestartet bei ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV und Hausspeicher bei {{round (divf .batterySoc) 0 }} %
      title: Ladevorgang beendet
      msg: ${title} hat ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration} und {{round (divf .vehicleSoc) 0 }} % geladen 
      title: Fahrzeug verbunden
      msg: ${title} an Ladepunkt ${title} verbunden
      title: Fahrzeug getrennt
      msg: ${title} an Ladepunkt ${title} nach ${connectedDuration} getrennt

    - type: shout
      uri: #####

Log details

[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:30 charge voltages: [0 0 0]V
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:30 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:30 charge total import: 25.595kWh
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:30 charger status: B
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 3690W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 3500W
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 0W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 14W
[main  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 lp Vaillant aroTHERM plus at prio 1 gets additional 0W from Tasmota Steckdose at prio 0, 0W from Vaillant aroTHERM plus at prio 1, 3690W from Parkplatz at prio 5, 3500W from Carport at prio 2, total 7190W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 pv power: 2504W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 battery soc: 34%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 battery power: 5197W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 grid power: -2W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 giving loadpoint priority for additional: 7190W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 site power: -1695W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge currents: [0 0.136 0]A
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge total import: 893.611kWh
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charger status: B
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 vehicle soc: 50%
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 pv charge current: 2.46A = 0A + 2.46A (-1695W @ 3p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:49 set session soc limit: 60
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:49 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:49 charge power: 3720W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 3480W
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 0W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 14W
[main  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 lp Carport at prio 2 gets additional 3720W from Parkplatz at prio 5, 3480W from Carport at prio 2, 0W from Tasmota Steckdose at prio 0, 0W from Vaillant aroTHERM plus at prio 1, total 7200W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 pv power: 2486W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 battery soc: 33%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 battery power: 5214W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 grid power: -0W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 giving loadpoint priority for additional: 7200W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 site power: -1686W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge currents: [15.4 0 0]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge total import: 1246.961kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 soc estimated: 62.00% (vehicle: 62.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 vehicle soc: 62%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 vehicle range: 251km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 limitSoc reached: 62.0% > 60%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charger disable
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 wake-up timer: stop
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 3720W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 3480W
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 0W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge power: 14W
[main  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 lp Parkplatz at prio 5 gets additional 0W from Vaillant aroTHERM plus at prio 1, 3720W from Parkplatz at prio 5, 3480W from Carport at prio 2, 0W from Tasmota Steckdose at prio 0, total 7200W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 pv power: 2486W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 battery soc: 33%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 battery power: 5216W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 grid power: -2W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 giving loadpoint priority for additional: 7200W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 site power: -1686W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge currents: [15.9 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charge total import: 4432.147kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 charger status: C
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 soc estimated: 85.86% (vehicle: 85.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 vehicle soc: 86%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 vehicle range: 38km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 plan: charge 0s (required: 37m0s) starting at 0001-01-01 00:53:28 +0053 LMT until 2023-12-11 07:00:00 +0100 CET (power: 3680W, avg cost: NaN)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:50 pv charge current: 23.3A = 16A + 7.33A (-1686W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:00 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:00 charge power: 3710W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:00 charge power: 0W
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:00 charge power: 0W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:00 charge power: 14W
[main  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:00 lp Carport at prio 2 gets additional 0W from Tasmota Steckdose at prio 0, 0W from Vaillant aroTHERM plus at prio 1, 3710W from Parkplatz at prio 5, 0W from Carport at prio 2, total 3710W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 pv power: 2547W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 battery soc: 33%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 battery power: 2685W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 grid power: -864W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 giving loadpoint priority for additional: 3710W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 site power: -1589W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 charge total import: 1246.963kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/09 11:14:01 stop charging <-
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 charge total import: 1246.963kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 soc estimated: 62.00% (vehicle: 62.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 vehicle soc: 62%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 vehicle range: 251km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:01 limitSoc reached: 62.0% > 60%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge power: 3680W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge power: 0W
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge power: 0W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge power: 14W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 pv power: 2561W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 battery soc: 33%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 battery power: 1303W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 grid power: 211W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 site power: 1814W
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge voltages: [0 0 0]V
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charge total import: 25.595kWh
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:14:10 charger status: B

What type of operating system are you running?

Docker container


evcc version 0.122.1 (74525f2d)

xerion3800 commented 9 months ago

Vollständiges Log: _evcc-io_logs.txt

andig commented 9 months ago

Das sieht komisch aus:

[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 3690W Parkplatz (Prio 5)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 3500W Carport (Prio 2)
[lp-3  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 0W
[lp-4  ] DEBUG 2023/12/09 11:13:40 charge power: 14W


lp Parkplatz at prio 5 gets additional 0W from Vaillant aroTHERM plus at prio 1, 3720W from Parkplatz at prio 5, 3480W from Carport at prio 2, 0W from Tasmota Steckdose at prio 0, total 7200W

Es scheint als würde "Parkplatz" hier Ladeleistung von sich selbst bekommen und damit wunderbare Vermehrung der Energiemenge machen?

andig commented 9 months ago

Da fehlte eine Anpassung. Closed in https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/commit/8e7df670a883f6bc2f710ae0471514bd7413283b.

xerion3800 commented 9 months ago

Es scheint als würde "Parkplatz" hier Ladeleistung von sich selbst bekommen und damit wunderbare Vermehrung der Energiemenge machen?

Das sollten wir als Patent anmelden wenn das funktioniert 😉