evilhero / mylar

An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with SABnzbd, NZBGet and torrents
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Add imageurl for notifiers + Typo in log message #2409

Closed Bart274 closed 4 years ago

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

Small irrelevant fix of a typo in the log messages.

Would it be possible to add covers into Mylar? So when browsing the issues of a comic, you can see the cover of each issue in the list and when receiving notifications of processed issues, these cover can be sent as well?

BRTPOB commented 4 years ago

I think the merge needs to happen. As for the covers, that's not a bad idea.

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

I’ve looked into it and it was easy to add the imageurl to the notifiers. I only updated the Telegram notifier because I know that one but the same could be added for others. I’ve tested it locally and it works just fine. CCBB250E-EE77-40CA-9FC8-D208D430C3F2

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

@BRTPOB now this PR makes more sense to be merged :)

barbequesauce commented 4 years ago

Good stuff. Can you also make the same changes in the python3 repo? We are nearing a freeze on this one...

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

@barbequesauce I didn't knew there was a new repo, I just thought there was a new branch for python3. Have you guys considered starting a discord server for easier communication?

BRTPOB commented 4 years ago

We use IRC, which is where most of the magic happens.

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

Isn't Discord easier to have multiple channels with their own privacy settings, with bot to notify about git changes etc,...?

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

Anyway @BRTPOB , the PR in the python3 repo has been made. https://github.com/mylar3/mylar3/pull/53

I cleaned up the code a bit

BRTPOB commented 4 years ago

uhh Discord is IRC just with voice chat. Literally the same thing.

That said, @evilhero does the merges. Not me. I'm QA.

barbequesauce commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Bart274, good stuff.

Our IRC channel has a bot wired into GitHub and the forums too - we're old-school...

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

I need to check it our then, anyone knows a good iOS client?

I’m gonna add a fallback to the default message in case sending the photo fails (which appears to happen sometimes even with the right url)

BRTPOB commented 4 years ago

We all use The Lounge. Web based client, works everywhere.

barbequesauce commented 4 years ago

If you hate node.js, there's also Limechat...

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

So you guys run your own client on your servers and then connect to it on your mobile using your browser?

barbequesauce commented 4 years ago


Bart274 commented 4 years ago

58168CAB-86DB-4EFB-BE88-EB55FB5E608D Fallback works fine

BRTPOB commented 4 years ago

Dude, this is awesome (first off, and I can't wait to see it inside of Mylar (a); you're also making me want to get a Telegram bot setup so I can see that kind of stuff going forward (b).

evilhero commented 4 years ago

Nice job! This is now in development as of 563439a

The only caveat I see in all of this is two-fold: 1 - some users might not want images being sent, in which case each notifier should have a togglebox to enable/disable the ability to send images with the notifs. 2 - aside from telegram, most of the services don't allow url redirection for downloading images - which means that it would have to be a local file being sent to the provider's API. Which isn't a problem to extract the cover after post-processing, and send that. That allows for visual verification of what was downloaded is actually what was downloaded, as well as not hitting CV with numerous image requests outside of their API (not a problem now, but if the entire Mylar user base is doing it on a busy day, it might get dicey).

We'll have support for the other providers probably later this week as we can get around to it (Slack & Pushover first since those are the ones that we use mainly), but regardless of the final implementation going forward, this is definitely a nice addition!

Bart274 commented 4 years ago

@evilhero glad you like it. Telegram support for both local and remote files to be sent. If you have the file itself, it can be sent instead.

barbequesauce commented 4 years ago

@Bart274 can you close this please