evt-project / evt-viewer-angular

Edition Visualization Technology version 3
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
26 stars 17 forks source link

EVT 3.0 (evt-viewer-angular) Build Status

1 - Introduction

1.1 - About EVT

EVT (Edition Visualization Technology) is a light-weight, open source tool specifically designed to create digital editions from texts encoded according to the TEI XML schemas and Guidelines, freeing the scholars from the burden of web programming and enabling the final users to browse, explore and study digital editions by means of a user-friendly interface.

This tool was born in the context of the Digital Vercelli Book project, in order to allow the creation of a digital edition (which has been available in beta form for more than two years) of the Vercelli Book, a parchment codex of the late tenth century, now preserved in the Archivio e Biblioteca Capitolare of Vercelli and regarded as one of the four most important manuscripts of the Anglo-Saxon period as it regards the transmission of poetic texts in the Old English language. However it has evolved into a tool suitable to fit different texts and needs. For example, it is now being used to publish the digital edition of the Codice Pelavicino manuscript, a medieval codex preserving charters dating back to the XIII century. The continuous development and need to adapt it to different types of documents and TEI-encoded texts has shifted the development focus towards the creation of a more general tool for the web publication of TEI-based digital editions, able to cater for multiple use cases.

The entire structure of the software has been remodeled, in order to make it lighter, more usable and more adaptable; we decided to use the Model View Controller (MVC) approach, that is a very common architectural pattern in object-oriented programming, that allows to separate the logical presentation of the data, from the application logic and the processing core. Wanting to maintain the original feature of EVT, and therefore do not give up the client only approach, we decided to use Angular, a JavaScript framework inspired by the MVC programming logic, especially suitable for the development of client-side Web applications; among other things, this framework allows to define custom HTML components and use the data-binding mechanism to associate the model of the data to the UI elements, and manage the updates of the latter avoiding the direct DOM manipulation.

1.2 - How it works

Before the refactoring, EVT was composed of two main units: EVT Builder, for the transformation of the encoded text using special XSLT 2.0 templates, and EVT Viewer, for the visualization into a browser of the results of the transformations and the interaction with them. The idea under the new version of EVT is instead to leave to EVT Viewer the task of reading and parsing with JavaScript functions the encoded text, and “save” as much as possible within a data model, that persists in the client main memory, and is organized in a way that allows a very quick access to the data in case of need. This has obviously led to the elimination of the EVT Builder level, and therefore it allows to open a digital edition directly in the browser without any previous XSLT transformation.

1.3 - Main features

At the present moment, EVT is being moved from AngularJS to Angular. For a complete list of features, please refer to the [AngularJS version] (https://github.com/evt-project/evt-viewer)

2 - A short guide to EVT

If you are interested in using EVT to prepare an edition right away, you should probably download the ready-to-use release package that can be downloaded from the release page on GitHub. See the Installation and use section first, then Configuration, to understand how EVT works and how you can use it to publish your editions. A more detailed guide will be published separately, as a reference manual, and will also include instructions about customization.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in developing a specific functionality in EVT, or in modifying an existing one, or preparing your edition with the most recent (yet stable) version of EVT, you should download the GitHub Development framework. See the Development framework installation and use section to know how to install and configure the environment needed for this purpose. If you intend to change the source code for personal needs, please fork the project, and remember to contribute your changes back (see below for contact). If you want to contribute to the main project (by fixing a bug or adding a feature), please ask for a pull request and/or contact us at evt.developers@gmail.com.

2.1 - Installation and use

EVT 3 can be used to prepare an edition right away, immediately after downloading the release package on your hard drive: see the ​Installation and management of the edition data section of the Wiki first, then Configuration​, to understand how EVT works and how you can use it to publish your editions.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in ​developing a specific functionality in EVT 3, or in modifying an existing one, we suggest that you clone the project as it is.​ The ​README.md explains how to install and configure the development environment needed for this purpose. This step is only needed if you want to start working with EVT source code, so it is in no way necessary for basic users. See Development section and subsections of the Wiki for further information on development guidelines.

2.2 - Configuration

There are several configuration options, ranging from setting the folders where edition data is stored to choosing the User Interface layout and the tools to be made available for the final user, that can be set by editing the configuration files in the assets/config directory. To facilitate the configuration work, configuration options are divided into three macro groups with corresponding files:

It is also possible to configure the style of editorial phenomena (e.g. addition, deletion, etc), in order to override the EVT default layouts. This particular configuration should be defined in the file editorial_conventions_config.json. See details in the Wiki page

For more information please refer to the Configuration section on the Wiki.

3 - Development framework installation and use

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.3.

3.1 - Requirements

For development, you will only need Node.js installed on your environement. And please use the appropriate Editorconfig plugin for your Editor (not mandatory).

3.2 - Node

Node is really easy to install & now includes NPM. You should be able to run the following command after the installation procedure below. To properly install all the dependencies, please use 12.20.x/14.15.x/16.10.x or later minor version of NodeJS. To know which versions are installed on your computer:

$ node --version

$ npm --version

3.3 - Install

To download and install the current stable version of EVT use these commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/evt-project/evt-viewer-angular.git
$ cd evt-viewer-angular
$ npm install

You may be interested in installing the development branch (develop) which is the more up to date one, and generally quite stable:

$ git clone -b develop https://github.com/evt-project/evt-viewer-angular.git
$ cd evt-viewer-angular
$ npm install

3.4 - Start & watch with development server

To start EVT directly just type

$ npm run start

If nothing happens, then open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4205/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

If you want to use a different port where to run the application you can run npm run ng serve -- --port=4200, then connecto to http://localhost:4200/).

3.5 - Code scaffolding

Run npm run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use npm run ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.

3.6 - Simple build for production

This command will create a build of the current installation which you can use for testing or other purposes:

$ npm run build

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. With the second instruction you can use the --c=production flag for a production build.

3.6.1 - Build for release

This command will create a build of the current installation flagging it as a release build:

$ npm run build:release

The build artifacts will be stored in the release/ directory. If you set properly the variables in user_paths.sh file, both xml sample data and sample config will be copied in release/assets folder.

3.7 - Generate documentation

For the documentation we use Compodoc

3.8 - Running unit tests

Run npm run test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

3.9 - Running end-to-end tests

Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

4 - Main Development Instruction

4.1 - Handle color theme

This new version of EVT is able to handle multiple themes at runtime. A "theme" is intended as a particular palette or set of color used for the main UI components. The theme can also change dimensions or other properties.

In the file assets/scss/_themes.scss we defined a global variable $theme where we declare every single color used in the UI components. Each color must exist in every single theme.

The themed rules depend on the data-theme attribute added to a div element of the AppComponent that encloses the whole application. The data-theme attribute is constantly linked to the current theme variable. We decided to embody everything in this external div in order to lighten the number of bindings of elements that need a connection to the current theme.

4.1.1 - Add a new theme

To add a new theme just follow the steps below:

4.1.2 - Add new themed CSS rules

To add new CSS rules so that colors are retrieved from the current theme (and change automatically when the theme changes at runtime), just follow the steps below:

4.1.3 - The themify mixin

The themify mixin will add a CSS rule for each theme for the CSS rules defined within it. The @each $theme, $map in $themes tell Sass to loop over the $themes map that was defined above. On each loop, it assigns these values to $theme and $map respectively.

Then the map-get() function is used to get any theme variable from $map and output the correct property for each theme. The & refer to parent selectors and placing it after [data-theme="#{$theme}"] tells Sass to output any parent selectors after the theme name. To use this mixin, just be sure that the element for which you are defining the CSS rules is included in a *[data-theme]="theme-name" element and embody every CSS rule that needs to be themified within the mixin:

btn-primary {
    @include themify($themes) {
        color: themed('baseColorDark');

4.2 - Localization

To handle localization we use the plugin angular-l10n[https://github.com/robisim74/angular-l10n]; in this way we can offer a runtime solution for language switching without fully reload the application.

Translations are defined in a JSON file (one for each language), saved inside the folder assets/i18n. This JSON is organized as follows:

    "KEY": "Text in a particular language",

The KEY is the unique identifier used in the angular application (usually in the HTML template) whenever we need to retrieve a translated text.

4.2.1 - Add a text in the localization

To add a new text in the localization, you just need to add a pair "KEY": "Text" for every language already esisting. If you don't know the translation in a particular language use the English and let us know: we will handle the missing translations.

4.2.2 - Work with localization in angular templates

To add a text in the UI so that it will be correctly translated when needed, just follow the steps below:

4.3 - SCSS

EVT uses .scss files. During development you can use some useful global variables and mixins. They are defined respectively in the files below:

To use them, please refer to official scss documentation.

5 - EVT Configuration: technical details

Configurations is defined as a AppConfig provider and is injected into main app module. It is loaded during app initialization, to that it will be immediately available for every component. The four groups are gathered (although kept divided) in a single EVTConfig object.

interface EVTConfig {
    ui: UiConfig;
    edition: EditionConfig;
    files: FileConfig;
    editorialConventions: EditorialConventionsConfig;

If you want to use a parameter from configuration in your component, you just need to import AppConfig and directly use its properties:

import { AppConfig } from '../app.config';
  selector: 'my-component',
  templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.scss']
export class MyComponent {
    private editionTitle: string;
    constructor() {
        this.editionTitle = AppConfig.evtSettings.edition.title;

If you want to add a parameter in configuration, you need to add it first to the interface of the specific group, indicating the exact type of data you expect for it.

6 - EVT Manual

As a user manual please refer to the Wiki. It will always be updated based on the features merged into the develop branch.

For the functionalities and instructions related to a specific release, when the manual is ready it will be possible to refer to the evt-documentation.pdf file inside the doc folder in the release package.

7 - Feedback

User feedback is very much appreciated: please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. to evt.developers@gmail.com.