executablebooks / sphinx-tomyst

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[ENH] Need to implement some form of support for roman numeral style lists #88

Open mmcky opened 4 years ago

mmcky commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

Need support for roman numeral lists

To Reproduce

With this timing protocol in mind, the time :math:`0` component of an SP has the
following components:

i.   A period :math:`0` action :math:`\hat h \in \Pi` that the public
     expects the government to take, together with subsequent within-period
     consequences :math:`m(\hat h), x(\hat h)` when the government acts as

ii.  For any first-period action :math:`h \neq \hat h` with
     :math:`h \in CE_\pi^0`, a pair of within-period consequences
     :math:`m(h), x(h)` when the government does not act as the public had

iii. For every :math:`h \in \Pi`, a pair
     :math:`(w'(h), \theta'(h))\in S` to carry into next period.

is added as

With this timing protocol in mind, the time $0$ component of an SP has the
following components:

1. A period $0$ action $\hat h \in \Pi$ that the public
   expects the government to take, together with subsequent within-period
   consequences $m(\hat h), x(\hat h)$ when the government acts as
1. For any first-period action $h \neq \hat h$ with
   $h \in CE_\pi^0$, a pair of within-period consequences
   $m(h), x(h)$ when the government does not act as the public had
1. For every $h \in \Pi$, a pair
   $(w'(h), \theta'(h))\in S$ to carry into next period.