exercism / pharo-smalltalk

Exercism exercises in Pharo.
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When you startup - maybe we should give a better welcome wizard? #59

Open macta opened 6 years ago

macta commented 6 years ago

I tried to load a welcome class that would have all the right information - but you still need to know to click on the class comment button...

Not sure if we can click on it automatically so people can read - or if we have to launch a wizard window or text doc or something?

macta commented 6 years ago

I did update the installation instructions so try and make the flow a little clearer. Still would be nice to have something in the environment for those that don't RTFM.

macta commented 6 years ago

I've updated the exercise template to put better download instructions right in the description.

However, the changes don't seem to take effect see: https://github.com/exercism/exercism/issues/4226

bencoman commented 6 years ago

A welcome message would be best presented via the help system, opened via ExercismManager class>>initialize. There could be a clickable link that invokes ``ExercismCommand configureToken```.

macta commented 6 years ago

V2? We need to get this working and get exercises written. It’s not so bad with the welcome exercise and it’s class comment.

macta commented 5 years ago

This is slightly better in that when we launch the intial browser is selects the Welcome class and its sample test (which has a comment that directs you). Not super fancy, but make this less urgent.