explainers-by-googlers / reduce-accept-language

This repository hosts explainer for reducing passive fingerprinting in the Accept-Language header.
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Different approach suggestion #9

Open andrerferreira opened 1 year ago

andrerferreira commented 1 year ago

Hi Victor,

I rarely contribute to company projects of which I'm not a part of, but I've been inspired by what you are going to achieve so I've decided to make a suggestion for a different approach that you may have not thought about, for your consideration.

In the browser you have a way to know if the user has defined language preferences, as such, only in those circumstances does it make sense to send the 1st request as HEAD as to negotiate with the server.

This approach restricts the implementation to only users that do set language preferences and is less wasteful than a full GET request that may or may not have to be resent asking for the preferred languages from those available in the server.

Hope the above helps! Best regards André

Tanych commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your suggestion, what we do is trying to reuse the existing architecture in Chromium to resent the request. Also, this introduce a hard dependency, all sites should support the HEAD request.