For OneSignal listeners to work when the app is closed, I need to declare the listeners at root. However, to redirect to appropriate screen when notification is opened, I need props.navigator there. How can I achieve the same? I tried the withNavigation decorator and the above, but it doesn't seem to work. I use Relay. Is it necessary to integrate Redux so that I can achieve the above by calling actions on my own store? Isn't there a way to directly call actions on whatever store exnav uses so that I can avoid integrating my own store just for navigation?
My root index.js looks like the following:
For OneSignal listeners to work when the app is closed, I need to declare the listeners at root. However, to redirect to appropriate screen when notification is opened, I need props.navigator there. How can I achieve the same? I tried the withNavigation decorator and the above, but it doesn't seem to work. I use Relay. Is it necessary to integrate Redux so that I can achieve the above by calling actions on my own store? Isn't there a way to directly call actions on whatever store exnav uses so that I can avoid integrating my own store just for navigation?