eyedeekay / goSam

A go library for using the I2P Simple Anonymous Messaging (SAM version 3.2) bridge
MIT License
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Encrypted Leaseset Connectivity Issues #1

Open bonedaddy opened 4 years ago

bonedaddy commented 4 years ago

While using goSam I noticed that I was unable to connect to tunnels using certain types of encrypted leasesets. In particular I was unable to connect to a tunnel created with the encrypted leaseset type of encrypted with lookup password.

This produced the following error:

ReplyError: Result:KEY_NOT_FOUND - Reply:&{Topic:NAMING Type:REPLY Pairs:map[NAME:<b32 address omitted> RESULT:KEY_NOT_FOUND

However if I use the encrypted leaseset type of encrypted leaseset (AES) goSam successfully connects to the address. I am providing the goSam.SetEncrypt(true) option when creating the client.

eyedeekay commented 4 years ago

Some of this has to do with the new encrypted leaseset options and LeaseSet2, so it will be a good opportunity to experiment with these new features from a SAM-based perspective. I'm very curious about some possibilities around these options and their relationship to crypto types in SAM, I am going to do some experiments over here to figure out exactly what happens with which combination of options, but in a nutshell it will be a matter of implementing the new i2cp options in options.go, and documenting how to use them. There's not enough out there on how to use Encrypted Leasesets yet either, I'm going to try and fix that soon.

eyedeekay commented 4 years ago

First step is to switch to dual-keys, which I just did :)

eyedeekay commented 3 years ago

The upstream issues that caused this and the SAM library issues that made the options more difficult to use should be resolved as of 0.9.48. Sorry about leaving this so long, forgot it was even here, but it should have been fixed for a couple months now.

bonedaddy commented 3 years ago

Hell yea, I totally forgot about this too. I should get around to testing this out sometime this week