--config-margin, --config-padding, --config-item-size, --config-item-zoom-size change are also work (while zoom size bigger than item size, if not it collapses...)
In overall:
2 new div for the scroll
Weg items are dragable only in that axis which is currently presented.
Scroll is present when needed and containers are pixel precise.
Scroll X axis also on Y wheel.
multiple little style issue fixed because pixel precise calculations can be only done on perfect alignment...
Hoover animation is really blocked for dragged items.
Weg item touchbox is reduced with var(--config-margin) (it would go out from the box, this is a must have modification)
Bold items are must have, if any of that is about question, the whole concept cancelled and got to look for a different solution. (not built in scroll for this)
Although this has only some line modification, this was burnt days from my life...
The above small concept issue was so tiny I wouldn't recognised it 'til a day!
For this I got to reduce the resolution and add some items to dock, but these are the test videos:
--config-margin, --config-padding, --config-item-size, --config-item-zoom-size change are also work (while zoom size bigger than item size, if not it collapses...)
In overall:
Bold items are must have, if any of that is about question, the whole concept cancelled and got to look for a different solution. (not built in scroll for this)
Although this has only some line modification, this was burnt days from my life... The above small concept issue was so tiny I wouldn't recognised it 'til a day!