Closed luriusTM closed 11 hours ago
Will be merged to v2.1, but disabling motion on the root config also disable animation on buttons, context menu and any other antd component? (it doesn't matter because all these will be replaced by self components latter but try it to know)
Will be merged to v2.1, but disabling motion on the root config also disable animation on buttons, context menu and any other antd component? (it doesn't matter because all these will be replaced by self components latter but try it to know)
It is hard to say what does it change for a button or slider... because it does not have too much animation... but this setting centrally removes all antd animation for the current scope (tb, weg). It removes from dropdown, that is for sure, it has same root appearance animation like popovers, also removes the minimal from tooltips. For calendar view it does not have any animation,
Will replace the dropdown animation also then.
pre: post:
Animation possibilities (weg):
Animation possibilities (tb):